invisible officer


  • Hmm, there are some units that are often mixed in lists.   In June 1758  the 81st Invalids became the 71st. Blue facings. Disbanded 1769.   A new 71st war raised 1775 for AWI.  Fraser’s with White Facings.  Post 1777 rarely with kilt. The Highland units even dropped the OR sword. Disbanded 1783.


    The number was not the name. So the lienag…[Read more]

  • As mentioned, we have the letters, the pipers did the standard piper job of frightening the enemy and the locals. Before 1854 pipers are not sanctioned, not even in kilted units.  Paid by Colonel or the officers.      And so some non Highland units had some, like the 20th that had one kia at Roncevalles


    The officers disliked the Horseguard pol…[Read more]

  • They still had them, paid by the officers. Horse guard paid for drummers and buglers only.  Fortunately we have letters from officers as source. Not just modern oics.

  • Or a scratch bagpipe, giving the ears of the poor English a rest.  Like I did.   Something different.

    Rocket cars, mine was more reycling than scratch.

  • Converting can be like a drug. Its fun and I love to have MY own miniatures. I converted a full HLI unit years ago.



    Easier than converting the London born son of a w.   into a Yorkshire one in a series of novels just beacause the actor ………….

    Well, that character is so full of fuss that that change in later written books makes no d…[Read more]

  • For a typical German Farm of WW II time you should not add a silo.  Silage was common in UK and Scandinavia but most German Farmers still used hay only. A  farm in Western Germany sounds like Northwest to me.  Mostly smaller ones with some animal raising too. A fruit garden would be typical too, apple trees and some cherry ones.

    The Farmer of…[Read more]

  • There are problems in real world  that cause delays for most gaming companies. . Corona and Brexit for example. But also longtime problems with mould makers. Much demand, few makers in UK.


    Not everything is done “In house” by warlord. Even something simple like packing material can cause a long delay now.

    If just one item comes from abroad…[Read more]

  • I GUESS because the real world German 15 cm had more “Bumms” than the 6 “.  The mv was bigger in most German 15 cm than in contemporary 6”. Esp. the SKC / 25 was superior. On the other side the projectile weight was higher in MK XXIII 6″, but similar in XXII.

    For a game designer its ever difficult to design a working formula and keep close to…[Read more]

  • Nat is right following the rules.


    But there is no reason to get the game close to real world among gentle   men.  For example the 88 was sometimes moved for short distances without motor. So in 1940 against French bunkers. With a few rounds on the Sonderanhänger. Slow, hard work. Under fire…….

    On other side manhandling a medium gun, hmm…[Read more]

  • Well, creative models are ever good.  Making them more “Yours”



    But with the MG I’m with Kar 98K. Or better said, against a K98. 😉  The better option would be a pistol, the German MG gunner’s secondary weapon.


    For cases I use to cut pieces of brass wire. Easy to cut and allready the perfect color.

  • Steeljacket, it’s normal to have ground and weapon scales that are different from minatures scale. BA is strange anyway in having a 1 miniature =  1 soldier and in normal sized units ratio   but guns are normally used as  singles, not batteries.

    The buildings are done by most as symbols for rural area, not true single ones.

    The ground scale, gi…[Read more]

  • “Use” is the problem.    The old FRench tanks had only that one true action mentioned by me. True Resistance units had no tank actions, only the semi regular 13th Dragons p. formed post D Day .

    The resistance got many German armored vehicles but only used them for demonstrations against rearguards. Like the French ones. No true fights.  To use…[Read more]

  • The post D-day local raised French got a lot of German equipment. Including 12 Panther tanks in good condition.

    Two stood long before the Musee de L’armee Invalide dome on exibition. With French markings.

    (Polish had “Pudel”, a Panther and used in in Warsaw rising)


    Some 44 Panzer, incl. a tiger,  are used. Main Tank force came from…[Read more]

  • If you decide to play in 1944, then these planes just get way better for no extra points? It may be historically accurate, but doesn’t seem balanced on a tabletop. What am I missing?

    Simple answer:  Nothing.    But how many ballanced carrier fights had been there in 44/45?    As often two worlds collide, the pure wargamer that wants equal ch…[Read more]

  • Shrakins and Nat are 100 % right.

    The chances are roughly based on real world ones or even better.

    Take for example 3. Schnellboot Flottille in med. from 9/40 to 1/45.

    184 Torpedoes fired at warships 22 hits           1 hit in 8,3 fired   With a D6 ………

    53 at merchant ships   13 hits

    11 at stationary ships  3  hits ! ( Hitting sandbar…[Read more]


    The idea behind the big S-Boot was foolish from start. A 1935 Torpedoboot costed as much as 4 S-Boote and needed the crew of 5. It had 6 Torpedoes and no reloads, the 4 S-Boote of same price had 8 tubes  and 8 more torpedoes that could be reloaded for action before leaving the operational area. The four could carry instead of spare torpedoes…[Read more]

  • The January UPS packet from Warlord is still in the claws of UPS, it left customs on Monday and is “in transit”.  So ordering something from Cruel Seas range is no sane option.


    But I was in the mood for another ship and so: Scratch again. I had a Warlord 10,5 cm German gun left and so a single gun vessel was chosen.

    Amtsentwurf  1935 and 1…[Read more]

  • The rules are not esp against   digging in edge of woods as add on to cover.  So many use it. Its a game.


    In real life seeking cover in woods is a  recruits mistake.  It helps a bit against bullets but anything exploding at the trees produce an extra lethal rain of wood splinters.    And easy to hit.    That “A bridge to far AT ambush on…[Read more]

  • Well written and nice pics.


    The fighting in the last WW I weeks was as deadly as the trench war- In my collection is the sword of a 2nd LT  kia three weeks before armistice in following the retreating German army.


    The rearguards came from the best German units.

  • Nice battle report.      That the Granatwerfer 16 did little damage………


    More please.

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