Jacob Carter


  • Jacob Carter replied to the topic 25-Pounder in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    There would be a few problems if you uprate to a medium howitzer.

    Cost is the first thing, it’d be roughly a 30 pt increase which would make it more expensive than a medium howitzer anyways.  I don’t know what the 25 pounder costs to begin with, but I imagine it’s more than the standard light howitzer right?

    Tactics are the next problem as you…[Read more]

  • I agree only when it comes to sixes, yet I believe the rewards of getting a hit with a heavy or super heavy AT gun outweighs the risk of missing.

    If you’re shooting at a veteran squad with the MMG on 5’s; odds are you’ll get ~2 hits and maybe a causality, however with a super heavy gun you could cause D3 pins, hit at least half the squad, and b…[Read more]

  • How often do you find yourselves using the main gun of a tank to target infantry?  My preference is to put an HE shell into a squad to maximize pins so long as the hit roll is 4’s or better, if it’s 5’s I’ll only use it to complement the hull machine gun, and I’ll switch to coax on 6’s.

    How do you guys tend to approach this? Does the size of the…[Read more]

  • Think of it this way, the pins reduce the amount of time a soldier wants to expose themselves to aim their weapon, less time aiming means less accurate fire.

    However with an indirect weapon you’re aiming the weapon from cover and adjusting based on where the shells are hitting, and the instant you hit indirectly you don’t have to adjust the wea…[Read more]

  • Jacob Carter started the topic Assaulting and pins in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    I could swear at some point I saw that during an assault both sides removed all pin markers but can’t seem to find that in the rule book.  Did I imagine that or could someone point me to where that is?

  • I can’t say anything about strategies as I don’t have a lot of games under my belt but I’d say be sure to take advantage of the faction rule that gives German machine guns an extra dice.  Also I’d recommend a few assault rifles since late war Veteran German squads can equip a whole squad with them.

    As for painting, take it at your own pace.  I…[Read more]

  • If you’re aiming for fun I’d say get a Flak 88 (and transport), while it’s probably too expensive to include in lists with the sturmtiger if you make a more infantry centered list that should be a good addition!  Plus whenever you don’t use it in an army you could use it as an objective!

  • Looks awesome dude!  I’m only up to a 4×4 foot board which has taken forever to build.  I’m trying to theme it as Holland during Market Garden and will probably have US Airborne with British armor against mixed forces of Germans.

  • I think I figured it out, it appears to be the handle of the 1910 pick mattock that was issued to some troops!

  • Anyone know what this piece of gear between the entrenching tool and pack is?  It’s the last thing I have to base coat.

  • Are there any rules in the books in regards to area denial obstacles that the players can place?  I know battleground Europe has some for minefields but I’m wondering if there are any for barbed wire, tank traps, etc; that players spend army points on and then place to influence their opponents movement.

  • Pretty sure those are wicker transport cases for artillery shells.