Jacob Carter

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  • #187906
    Jacob Carter

    I’ve recently gotten into K47 and there’s a couple rulesets that are in that game I’d like to see ported over.

    Reactions and suppressive fire:

    Reactions are done whenever a unit is fired upon like going down, but require an order test to complete even if the unit is pinned.  I don’t remember them all but there’s one that allows a unit to attempt to run to cover and one that allows the unit to return fire before taking casualties.  These moments just add a little bit of flavor, to shooting actions, though I’d make it so only infantry can take these actions against weapons with multiple shots.

    Suppressive fire is an action a unit with an MMG or 2 LMGs can take where a further -1 is applied to the roll but the target unit gets 1 pin automatically and could take a further pin from a hit, this was recently added to K47 after a lot of testing and would add a lot of utility to MMG teams and LMG heavy squads

    And finally I’d also like to see a change for sniper (noticing a common theme here lol).  I think exceptional damage should be swapped with a pinning mechanic similar to HE; D2 pins for hit, D3 for kill, D3 + moral check (or something else damaging) for exceptional damage.  It’d be a better representation of snipers in WW2, since it’d have been difficult for them to always pick out leaders and most soldiers were trained to use vital squad weaponry like MGs if the main guy was killed.  Plus, it’d also represent the psychological factor of a sniper.

    Jacob Carter

    One of the people I like watching is OnPointHQ.  In this video he makes winter US airborne by using German bodies, and it’s a really cool effect

    Jacob Carter

    I like to zenithol prime, so I assemble 90% of a model with the exception of arms that could get in the way of painting.  I sticky tack those for the priming, then remove during painting, and will glue them in place just before I do shading.

    The mg was fiddly to put together, the bipod was particularly difficult to get in a good spot, but I’m satisfied with how it came out.  I’ll have to try cutting the legs off sometime, the next batch I want to make are tank riders and that might make it easier to get decent poses.  Only thing after that is figuring out how to cut sheet steel small enough to glue to feet or butts for magnetizing

    Your models all look like they came out extremely well!  I especially like the panzerschreck, I definitely need to build 1 of those sometime.  Was that loading mg difficult to put together?

    These are some of my early models, first ones I built for the game and some of the first models I ever painted.  They’re pretty much just arm swaps but I’m fairly satisfied with how they came out.  I gotta snag a buttstock off a German mg for the LMG that’s running at some point.  The German’s not the most impressive but I had fun with the paint job making the mg barrel look overheated, I explain it away as he’s run out of barrels and is now having to let it cool the old fashioned way.

    Jacob Carter

    I’ll spare you the photo of the 60 infantry I built using DAK and winter Germans using spare SS and panzergrenadier head/arms to make a Volksgrenadier division lol

    But the hardest kitbashes I’ve done are the VG lmg team and my Saving Private Ryan squad where I tried to match the on screen kits as close as I could.  The LMG team uses parts from winter Germans, DAK, SS, and panzergrenadiers; and the SVP uses Rangers, US GI(newer edition), US Airborne, and panzergrenadiers

    Please excuse the lack of paint, I haven’t gotten to them yet, I have about 100 infantry in my backlog 🙂

    Jacob Carter

    The way I understand it is units from campaign books are kind of designed to work internally and are tricky to bring into a base game.  I’d recommend the set of rules on the product page designed to go with the Last Levy force from Armies of Germany.  You will find it if you scroll down in the description.

    Is this a tournament or a for fun game?  If it’s the later, I’d recommend looking for another opponent.  If he’s gonna complain this much about a “for fun” unit I’d expect him to suck the fun out of most other parts of the game

    Jacob Carter

    Would you mind detailing the specific issue your opponent has?  I don’t really understand where he has reservations, is it specifically which theater list it can be taken in?

    The rules that Stuart listed is virtually identical to the rules listed on Warlords product page for the MAUS, with the exception of having the unreliable rule and being a little more expensive in Road to Berlin (I’d even guess the reason for it being more expensive is because that version doesn’t have the unreliable rule)

    Jacob Carter

    I appreciate the response man!  I did end up getting the rest of the rule books a while ago and ended up getting the AT gun version of the Zeus.

    After thinking about it I had decided to use BA 2nd edition weapon profiles for all “normal” weapons.  It’s just what I’m used to playing, and it allows firing a tanks main gun at infantry to have a good risk/reward. Plus, I also plan to (as long as my opponent agrees) allow almost any unit from the Armies of… books to be included , so long as you can imagine that unit still being used in ‘47.  I know, not necessarily in the rules, but I think the game’ll be more fun that way 🙂

    Jacob Carter

    Didn’t know that, I seriously don’t like that rule, I think that falls in with FAQ for Tiger Fear as a bad way to fix a problem.  I’d be willing to make an exception for someone just starting the game who may not have 1 in their army available, but you have EVERY opportunity to include a transport when you’re building a list.  I’d like it more if it was first wave only and you’d have to include a transport specifically for reserves, but that’s still not much better

    I really don’t know why I dislike it so much, it actually helps me out.  I think it might be because it rewards bad planning

    Jacob Carter

    As Stuart said there is both an entry for the 43 and the 44 in the armies of Germany book.

    Have you looked into what you’ll need to transport the thing?  If you play any scenario with a first wave/reinforcements you will need something to even bring it onto the table.  As someone who uses a FlaK 37 (which I also recommend getting, it’s an absolute monster), I’ll typically use a horse drawn carriage. Whether I bring it inexperienced or veteran is typically just what I feel like in that game; if I want the gun turn 1 I’ll take inexperienced at 8pts otherwise I’ll use a veteran (12 pts) to get as good of odds as I can to bring the gun on exactly when I need it where it’ll do the most damage

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Jacob Carter.
    Jacob Carter

    Sounds like you’re looking at late war, so you’ll definitely need an officer and I’d highly recommend making one into a FOO (observer).  I think you’d also be able to make a medic with the GI kit if you wanted to.

    You can only have 1 bazooka team per platoon so I wouldn’t make more than that

    Here’s basic squad makeup, though you’ll have to tailor it to how you think you might play
    USGI:  Max of 12 men per squad, additional options are; NCO can be given a SMG (three other men can be given smgs if you make them veterans) up to 2 BARs in each squad

    Airborne: Max 12 per squad, additional options are; NCO plus 3 others can be given SMGs, 1 BAR per squad, and 2 LMGs plus loaders

    I think the GI starter comes with 3 MMGs so I’d build the MG that comes on the Airborne sprue as LMGs (don’t forget to build loaders), though that may require a tiny bit of kitbashing.

    Since you can use GIs and Airborne in the same platoon. For number of squads I’d aim for roughly 3 for the GIs with at least 1 BAR per squad.
    What I did for my own airborne was to build assault and base of fire squads.  Assault squads have lots of SMGs, and BoF squads get the LMGs.

    Sorry for the spastic response, let me know if you have any questions on stuff I’ve said and I’ll gladly clarify

    Jacob Carter

    Couple things I’d recommend building with the kit that I’m not sure are on the list on the box would be a bazooka team and Forward Air Observer.

    You’ll probably face a lot of heavy armor if you go against Germans so the AT option of a bazooka will be valuable and the Americans have a faction rule allowing them two call in 2 air strikes instead of 1

    You can easily build those with the plastic infantry so you won’t need to buy anything else to make those

    Jacob Carter

    Hadn’t thought of the FG42 as an automatic rifle before, though now that you guys point it out it would make perfect sense.

    How would you guys change the squad makeup to maintain balance, since a full squad with those would be nightmarish?  I’m thinking something similar to (Late War) US Paratroopers where you’d add 1 automatic rifle to a squad for 5pts since you can also take two LMGs

    Jacob Carter

    At times you’ll have to sacrifice 100% accuracy if you’re trying to get a specific unit or do some major kitbashing.  I did some quick research into those units though I’m much more familiar with late war stuff and know virtually nothing about Gebirgsjager, hope I can help you get started!

    The standard plastic Fallschirmjager should handle your Fallshirmjager units from around 1942 to 1945 though if you’re theming battles in 42 I’d recommend fewer FG42s and kitbash more Mg34s instead of 42s.  You can do this by cutting the 42 off right at the hand, matching the cut on a 34 and then gluing that to the hand.

    For your Gebirgsjager I think you have 2 main options of either Blitzkrieg Germans or Afrika Korps.  Since Gebirgsjager look like they’re issued pretty standard equipment, Blitzkrieg Germans would have the correct uniforms for really early war though the differences between the M40 and M43 uniforms are small enough that DAK could be a perfect supplement.  You’ll also get a ton of 34s so you’ll have plenty left over for your Fallschirmjager.

    The major upside for DAK in your case is the higher number of field caps per sprue where you could make 4 out of 6 in caps.

    This is all based off some really quick research but I think you could make them more than passable for all but the hardcore historian with the above kits

    Jacob Carter

    Heard back from Warlord

    The intervening infantry, artillery, soft-skin have similar rules as cover so must obscure 50% of the target unit to give soft-cover.

    The height of a vehicle is taken into account when determining the 50%, so taller vehicles potentially won’t receive cover from infantry


    Jacob Carter

    I contacted Warlord; they said they’ll forward the question to Alessio and that the answer may end up in the next FAQ

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Jacob Carter.
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