James Figiel

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  • #187701
    James Figiel

    Hi all, my initial impressions after opening the box and reading through the rules.  Currently I’m building out my models for Bolt Action, Blood Red Skies and Victory at Sea.  Looking forward to the campaign game and the tabletop battles.  The rules are pretty straight forward but I’m not sure about setting up battles between different types of units.  For example, how do you set up a sea battle between ships and troops in transports.  Can you use airstrike when aircraft attack a ground unit etc.  I’m starting to develop my own ideas, but it seems like an obvious miss in the rules.  The components are great, but since they did custom printing on both sides of the maps I would have rather had four more maps instead of a map sized picture that doesn’t add value to the game.  Overall I’m still really excited!

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