John Candy

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  • #185758
    John Candy

    Hi folks,

    I am new to Black Powder. Have Black Powder V1 Rules and am learning.

    Just want to know if I am doing it right?


    If two french columns want to charge against one british line unit. Lets say all have the same stats, like 6 H-H / 3 Dice for fire and so on. Standard line values. The two french columns attack at the front of the british.

    1) The first french column to get into contact would have to take a closing fire, then contact.

    2) The 2nd french column would not have to take that.

    3) when doing the H-H or melee. The both french columns would roll with 6 dice each. The British line unit has to divide the strength , 3 dice to each column.

    Is that correct?

    • This reply was modified 3 years ago by John Candy.
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