Jorge replied to the topic Consultation and advice: in the forum Black Powder a year ago
Thank you very much, Nat.
Jorge started the topic Consultation and advice: in the forum Black Powder a year ago
Hello friends.
If a British (standard) unit forms a square because there are enemy cavalry nearby, (on its movement turn, and before being charged by that cavalry), it could eventually use the first fire with 2 dice from a front when on the shooting turn does it?
Wouldn’t it be a generous benefit to grant him, once formed in a square, and…[Read more] -
Jorge replied to the topic fire at will below breaking point in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
Thank you for the help!!!
Jorge replied to the topic fire at will below breaking point in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
That’s how it is. I did it. It is very “homemade” and fast, without much pretension since I am not very skilled. It serves to encourage you to do something like this quickly without much effort.
Both are brigantines, but one has a third rate deck and a leftover rear mirror, face mask fabric remains of scattered small things sitting on cold…[Read more] -
Jorge replied to the topic fire at will below breaking point in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
Thank you very much skymandr!!
Jorge started the topic fire at will below breaking point in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
Hello friends!. what do you think of this situation?
A third rate of 74 points, he received a final barrage that took him down from 25 points (his breaking point) to 11 points, leaving him in a situation of , when it is his turn to be activated, he must test his ability to see if he lowered the flag and give up or not, and keep fighting.
Jorge replied to the topic Boarding in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
Hello Skymandr, thank you for your time and dedication.
Finally, I will play the game as you say, because after so much reviewing among several, the ideas will become muted. Also, we practice it specially and that would be fine.
Perhaps, I do not rule out incorporating later if it is appropriate, that the “winner” of the “round” of combat,…[Read more] -
Jorge replied to the topic Boarding in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
Although, according to what you say, yes, it could be played without giving anything to the one that causes the most damage in the round, since “hits” are worth 2 points and 1 are worth 4, causing a possibly rapid drop towards the drop values .
Jorge replied to the topic Boarding in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
Hi! Thanks for trying to help me. Keep in mind that I must use google translate with its limitations since I don’t speak English and it can be difficult for me to understand its translation.
My problem is to define how to solve when you are not below the ship points and you are fighting.
I think that boarding a ship essentially serves to retain it…[Read more] -
Jorge replied to the topic Boarding in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
Hello friends, thank you all. They have helped me develop my idea of how to play it.
Page 24 (I can’t find which edition is my book in Spanish) says that “immediately after the initial confrontation, and the next activation of each confronted ship, the fight intensifies!! ” (possibly implying or accepting that it says that they are three turns,…[Read more] -
Jorge replied to the topic Boarding in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
In the Black Seas rulebook, in the boarding section, it says that after the first boarding match, “the fight escalates” and if neither can disengage via a skill check, it will continue for each ship’s next activation.
It does not clarify how it is resolved, what the winner gets. He seizes the ship even if the loser is still with the points above…[Read more] -
Jorge started the topic Boarding in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
Hello everyone. If someone could answer a question about the boarding.
If none could disengage with the skill test, and the three activations of each ship were fought, what is the result if one lost more points but still does not fall below half its ship points or its resistance value? Does he surrender and deliver the ship to the one who…[Read more] -
Jorge became a registered member 2 years ago