

  • I did a quick search within the BA forum, and I didn’t see anything about this. But I can’t be the first to notice this.

    In regards to Warlord Games’ A12 Matilda II plastic kit in 1:56th scale (28mm). I just picked one up recently and having a look at the bits and instructions. Now, are the track references in the kit reversed? That is are they…[Read more]

  • Who makes a 1:56 scale P-51 Mustang? Are there any other planes in 1:56 scale like maybe a Spit or 109?

  • If rule books had every little detail and situational rule, well, 1) these books would be big, and 2) it is impossible to think of every little detail possible and/or tabletop situation. Sometimes players just need to use common sense when playing any tabletop miniature game and not just Bolt Action.

    That being said, the rules do not specifically…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Examples in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    I was going to say there are some examples of play on YouTube, but since you said, “I have also seen many tutorials on the internet” maybe you have seen some or most of these. One note about the YouTube videos; some of the examples of play are for the First Edition of Bolt Action, and some of the examples of play that are for the Second Edition of…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic SDKFZ 10 in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    Speaking of SdKfz.10s, I just recently learned that Rubicon Models will be releasing one of these soon. I already have a resin SdKfz.10 model (from Blitzkrieg Miniatures), but I think it’s time to replace it. Also, a good time to get more of these as well as getting the RM SdKfz.10/4 add-on kit. Good times ahead.

    I have been very impressed with…[Read more]

  • On a whim, I picked up a box of Napoleonic Spanish Infantry (1st Battalion) 1805-1811. Actually, these are my first “Warlord Resin” figures. I wonder if they will start releasing Bolt Action infantry, crews, and other teams (like MMGs, Mortars, Flamethrowers, and so on) in this new Warlord Resin material? Not sure what to think yet, but so far it…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    “iii) it cuts down on people playing the rules and not the game… we play with a beer or two and a laugh so are more interesting in a good time than win at all costs”

    With or without the beer… this is how all tabletop miniature gaming should be played.


  • Kar98k replied to the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    Another fair way to handle this situation is to have ambushing player point out the spot where attack will take place and let the moving player finish the unit’s move. If the attack hits, use the unit’s final position for the purpose of placing the template. When removing casualties, allow the player to switch positions of figures in the unit (but…[Read more]

  • I doubt Warlord Games can be as overly controlling about this as Games Workshop. In fact, I don’t think anyone could be as overly controlling as Games Workshop even if they tried.

    That being said, you do make a good point. Still, we can’t overlook the fact that R……. M……. gives us, the 28mm WW2 gamer, a lot of fantastic plastic models to…[Read more]

  • “For same reason you see no Panzer III E model in Battle of France.”

    That is because at the time no one had Rubicon Models’ excellent Panzer III Ausf E/F/G model kit when they were taking photos for the Battle of France campaign book.

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Passenger oddness in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    As Master Chief pointed out above, the rules are pretty clear about this. That being said, I know of at least one gaming group that uses a house rule in its place. If I recall correctly, the group’s house rule was simple and easy. When a transport vehicle is destroyed, the number of hits is equal to the total number of figures being transported.…[Read more]

  • Some metal figures do seem chunky, Artisan, BA all seem medium but Offensive Miniatures are more like the plastic Perry.

    I was finally able to get a few 28mm WW2 figures from Offensive Miniatures, and harryb is correct, these are more realistically proportioned metal figures compared to other manufacturers. They blend in well with the 28mm WW2…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic $40 for Panzerschrek in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    Depending on your plastic modelling skills, you can make a Panzerschreck team using two plastic German figures and a US bazooka from one of the plastic American Infantry sets. If you use the earlier German plastic set (with individual weapons), use the bazooka and arm from the earlier American plastic set (with individual weapons). If you use the…[Read more]

  • I still think that Nat’s idea of making Tiger Fear a national rule instead of a vehicle rule for 1944 and 1945 is good.

    But like many others, I was also hoping for one of the following to be added to the Tiger Fear errata:

    Page 50, Panzer IV G, H, J. Delete the Tiger Fear special rule.

    or at least:

    Page 50, Panzer IV G, H, J. Change Special…[Read more]

  • “just an idea for v3….:p”

    But also a good idea for v2.

  • Just a heads up guys. As of September 21, 2020, they changed the rule for Tiger Fear again. It now reads:

    Page 17, Tiger Fear special rule). The first sentence of the rule
    will be amended as follows:
    All enemy units that are within 18” of, and have line of
    sight to, one or more vehicle with the Tiger Fear special
    rule (see the vehicles section o…[Read more]

  • Confirmed! The newest Errata & FAQ for Bolt Action Second Edition that was just released a few days ago (dated September 21, 2020) now has the above update for Spotters.

    I wonder if this forum thread which was started on September 15th, 2020 had anything to do with this new addition?

  • Thanks Master Chief. I am in the process of trying get a few boxes of these, but sadly they are not $10 per box anymore.

    It looks like Warlord Games got some of the old Wargames Factory stuff, but I wonder who has the WW2 molds. More importantly, I wonder if they will be releasing these figures again?

  • I was just on Skype with one of my friends, and he told me that Wargames Factory use to produced plastic 28mm WW2 figures. I know about Wargames Factory, but I didn’t now they produced WW2 figures. More importantly, they use to have WW2 Soviet infantry! And they look good – see picture of sprue below.

    Because Wargames Factory figures are not…[Read more]

  • Yes, we now know because it’s in the current FAQ, but before this, players had Spotters firing the vehicle’s weapons because the rules do not say anything about not being able to do this. Later we discovered Spotters could not. And this was the point I was trying to lean towards. Just because it’s not in the rule book doesn’t automatically mea…[Read more]

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