

  • Yes, we now know because it’s in the current FAQ, but before this, players had Spotters firing the vehicle’s weapons because the rules do not say anything about not being able to do this. Later we discovered Spotters could not. And this was the point I was trying to lean towards. Just because it’s not in the rule book doesn’t automatically mea…[Read more]

  • “The rules do not say anything about Spotters not being able to take stuff.”

    Just because it’s not in the rule book doesn’t automatically mean it can be performed. Take for example the weapons of a vehicle a unit is being transported in. The rules do not say anything about Spotters not being able to fire the vehicle’s weapons. However, we know a…[Read more]

  • Rule books are hard pressed to cover every little rule and every little possible situation that can come up in tabletop miniature gaming. A lot of times players just have to apply the rule’s intentions or simply use common sense.

    I too would have to say no to spotters taking objectives. For an added point cost, a spotter is just a simple add-on…[Read more]

  • The idea that German trucks had MGs is more of a movie motivated myth than actual historical doctrine. As one of many examples, the picture below is from the movie Kelly’s Heroes. However, since Bolt Action is more of a fun and entertaining game depicting Hollywood war films and not a true historical WW2 simulator, the rule for adding an MG to a…[Read more]

  • “…is a tank pivoting in place considered moving?”

    Yes, because it requires an Advance order. Note that some gaming clubs and groups do not allow some vehicles like half-tracks, armored cars, jeeps, and trucks to pivot in place. This of course makes complete sense even though it is not in the rules.

    “And if it just pivots its turret is that…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Prepping Minis in the forum General Discussion 4 years ago

    I agree, not everyone washes their figures. Heck, I used to be one of those that didn’t wash their figures, but now I always wash my figures regardless if they are metal, plastic, or resin. The reason I switched over to doing this is because I have noticed it does make a difference most of the time. I use soap (grease removing dish-soap) and warm…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic USMC Dog Team in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    This thread from TMP (Feb 2019)  might be useful to some BA gamers looking for 28mm dogs:


  • Kar98k replied to the topic USMC Dog Team in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    I have a couple of friends that have DUCT figures, and we did a simple comparison sometime ago. The DUST figures are very much taller than the 28mm Warlord miniatures, so do not mix well at all.

  • Kar98k replied to the topic 25-Pounder in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Richard, I think you are losing sight of the overall goal here. Bolt Action is supposed to be a fun, simple, enjoyable game that we can use when playing with our collections of WW2 miniatures. It is not a true battle simulation. In fact the designers of Bolt Action have simplified a lot things.

    That being said, I just have to make a comment about…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Indirect fire in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    “We decided to go by exact wording.”

    Actually, if you go with exact wording, someone can make a case that the unit does not count as moved. That is, if the unit moved on the second turn after taking the indirect shot, but then moved right back to the same area on the third turn before taking the indirect shot.

    …and if the target unit has not…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Beginning to build my forces in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    …is it best to build them completely and then prime and paint them or is it better to paint each part before construction?

    It really comes down to personal preference and style of painting you like. Since you had mentioned you are mainly a Napoleonic wargamer, what do you when painting those figures? You might prefer a different paint style…[Read more]

  • I have some Perry Miniatures 28mm WW2 figures, and they are some of my favorite 28mm figures for Bolt Action, but they only have North Africa German and British (in plastic) and some really nice American infantry (in plastic). However, it looks like Rubicon Models has American, British, German, and Soviet infantry.

    Does anyone here have both the…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic 25-Pounder in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    Is this because Rubicon Models will be releasing a British 25pdr soon? This new kit will be a great addition to anyone’s Bolt Action collection.

    I have to agree with the others here in that the British 25pdr fits in nicely with the Bolt Action game system. I wouldn’t change anything about it. Just leave the British 25pdr as is because if you…[Read more]

  • It is sad (and a little funny) that the newer Warlord Games plastic figure sets for their Bolt Action series are the “butt” of jokes.

  • I found this image and figured it was fitting to show here (pun intended).

  • Warlord’s newer weapons are probably a little larger to look good with the heroic type troops . The 1st plastic German troop kit has smaller size rifles ( on the separate sprue ) than the weapons on the newer German troops . But the MP 40 and MG 34 seem to have stayed the same?

    I just compared them. The MP40s are a little bigger in the newer b…[Read more]

  • “I only have trouble using the heroic size figures when crewing a vehicle or having troops in close proximity to one , it looks a little weird . So I tend to use more slender 28mm or even Tamiya 1/48 figures who look pretty good if you shorten them a bit , in my vehicle.”

    You just might have something here… thanks for the tip. I have these very…[Read more]

  • “It has always confused me why they call our war game figures 28mm scale . They’re not 28mm scale , they are 28mm in height.”

    I think most just shortcut it by saying that. What they really mean is 1:56 scale (28mm). That is, 1:56 scale which is also about 28mm height.

    “…now weather its from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head or t…[Read more]

  • Kar98k replied to the topic Chaplins in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 2 months ago

    “Anyone know where you can buy Chaplin figures?”

    It shouldn’t be hard to scratch build one using an officer or other figure. You just need to find a suitable figure. Be sure to add the chaplain’s stole and maybe have the figure hold a bible or carry a communion kit. However, I think a chaplain’s purple stole would be the most distinctive item,…[Read more]

  • “Just wondering what you do to disguise the metal base of metal figures.”

    First it depends on the base of the metal figure. If its big, I tend to trim them down a bit using cutters. After that, I scratching up the base and bottom of the figure. I then use CA to glue the figures to the plastic bases. When the glue is set I use milliput to fill in…[Read more]

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