

  • Carsten replied to the topic Panzernest in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    Thanks for the detailed answer.

    I have to say, i find it a bit unfortunate, that Warlord games sells a unit (specially in the deluxe box from “The longest day”) without having any rules, any army lists or any scenarios where i can use them.


    But again, thanks for the answer,


  • Carsten started the topic Panzernest in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago



    Are there any rules for the Panzernests? I didn’ found any. Or are they only nice terrain?


    Greetings from Germany!

  • Hello!

    Again i have a new question. With tanks there are three different damage marker: Black, white and orange. Are there different uses for them or is it something like “use as you like”?


    Greetings form germany,


  • Craig and Profile picture of CarstenCarsten are now friends 4 years ago

  • Carsten replied to the topic First game… Questions in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    So i think i have the first edition from the german army book. Maybe the second isnt translated. Hope there are not too many differences.

  • Carsten replied to the topic First game… Questions in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    thanks very much for the answers. It was a really fun game (but my american mmg was killed in the first round, because the other one throwed to 6s with the damage throw :/)


    I think i have an older german army book or there was an error with translating it….


    But it helps very much,


  • Carsten started the topic First game… Questions in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago



    Yesterday i have played the first game of Bolt action with the figures from the starter set.

    So there were some questions, that came up:

    1. The Hanomag uses the HE-Munition. If the attacked unit decides to go down as the reaction, will the to-hit-throw be modified with -2, because the target unit is down? Will all the potential…[Read more]

  • Hello all!

    I have the Band of Brothers Starter Set. Now i have seen that there was an older Starter Set. Normally no problem, but I have seen that in the older version there were Tutorial Scenarios. The Tutorial in the Band of Brother is in my opinion not the best, so i wanted to ask if there is a way to get the tutorial scenarios from the older…[Read more]

  • Carsten replied to the topic Stalingrad Enemy at the Gates in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago

    Thanks for the answers 🙂


    As i only play personal for fun and have no ambition to play at tournaments i think i can do it whatever i want 🙂


    But you frightened me a bit. I have not controlled if the weapons for soviets are enough 😉 But i will build them soon….

  • Hello all!

    I am a new Bolt Action Player. I have the Starter Set and have read into the rules. So far all is fine. I also have bought the Stalingrad Deluxe Battle Set. Here i have a question and two comments:

    1. In the battle set every side has a mortar team and a mmg team. There are also two Sandbag emplacements. Are these for the mortar or for…[Read more]

  • Carsten became a registered member 5 years ago