Karl Deppe replied to the topic Stats and Costs in Black Powder, Napoleonic in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
I am usually playing napoleonic, mainly AB2. So when I get it right the listed points there are wrong. It should be 30pts for prussian horse, right?
Karl Deppe started the topic Stats and Costs in Black Powder, Napoleonic in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Starting with a short question: why do French or Dutch etc. Horse Artillery costs 30 pts whereas prussian only 26pts?
BR Karl
Karl Deppe replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 5 years ago
We had in our last game (napoleonic) the situation where there was a infantry unit in attack collumn with an attached artillery unit. They had been attacked by a cavalry unit. The infantry has to form a square and will not be further attacked by the cavalry. What about the attached artillery? Can they still be attacked?
Karl Deppe replied to the topic Big Games Using Black Powder in the forum Black Powder 5 years ago
We are usually have games with 2000 pts per side. As we are now playing BP for more than 10 years it works fine. But sometimes we have a 20 minute rule. That means, every player has just 20 minutes for his command phase. It not only speed up the game but it also reflects the stress and the insecurity in the battle. It is fun because it is a lot…[Read more]