

  • Laurence replied to the topic Night Action Visibility Rules in the forum Cruel Seas 3 years ago

    Hi Mark,


    Still got your Night Actions Visibility Rules v1.

    Example: spotting from the bridge of a huge vessel has generally more spotting chance than from the bridge of a small one.

    What is the reason of not using the viewer’s vessel size as spotting modifier?



  • Laurence started the topic Missing boat models in the forum Cruel Seas 3 years ago

    In “Close Quarters”, there are scenarios with new vessels, for the traditional navies but also for the Finnish and Yugoslavian.

    I wonder why you distribute such rule set but not have the relevant vessels in your sales programme?

    If you e.g. want to play with the Finnish vessels or the German Sperrbrecher 137, you have to use dummies.

    And if…[Read more]

  • …howmany meters were common in Royal Navy, of Vospers, Fairmiles?

  • If scenario is like “tanker has to escape from East to West”, just deploy 2 or 3 MTBs in a row, their bows at 90 degrees to the tankers move direction.

    In your turn, fire torpedos, some directly to tanker, some 10-20 cm away from the the tanker’s bow.

    Hits are 90% for sure. You may have duds. If no damage, repeat torpedo firing in your next…[Read more]

  • Main rules page 12 – Torpedoes must travel a minimum distance of 15 cm before they are armed. 15 cm corresponds to about 50 yards in real.

    Was this the case for MTBs regardless  the nation, is such distance historically confirmed?

    Others in the web mention 300-600 yards.

  • Laurence replied to the topic Attacking buildings in the forum Cruel Seas 4 years ago

    Thanks for all your comments.

  • Laurence started the topic Attacking buildings in the forum Cruel Seas 4 years ago

    The “Operation Chariot” scenario shows how it works to fire torpedo at a port entrance – just secure a hit, no damage roll, target gate is destroyed. Too simple.

    I cannot find any other rule regarding building attack (maybe overlooked?).

    I do miss a general rule how to damage building such as shipyard, hangar, jetty, S-boat bunkers etc. with…[Read more]

  • thanks

  • Laurence replied to the topic Night Action Visibility Rules in the forum Cruel Seas 5 years ago

    Thanks for explanation, Mark.

    Re spotting mine fields: I am no expert so I cannot provide further ideas how detailed to implement such a rule considering various mine types.


    Re “Blinds” in your houserule: Using fake markers seems to be the only way to Play an “hidden”, in any tabletop game.

    But if dummies are acting too long, a game looses…[Read more]

  • Laurence replied to the topic Night Action Visibility Rules in the forum Cruel Seas 5 years ago

    Hi Mark,

    Reading with great interest your night action rules.

    My game fellow and I are just starting.

    I have 2 questions:

    What do you mean with “spotting brackets”? I could not find a German translation that makes sense in this respect.

    As with ship ambush, I do not want to show the relative position of mine fields at the beginning, in real…[Read more]

  • Hello

    I could find historical illustrations e.g. of Fairmiles MGB showing lifeboats installed vertically on the side, with grey colour.

    But how about Vospers MTB, with lifeboat installed flat on the deck? Same colour like deck would make sense, but is it historical?

    Differences early and late war?

  • a) Is multiple charged of 1 enemy unit allowed, means also Gap rule suspended?

    E.g. can an Orc unit and a friendly Monster unit attack the same Barbarian unit?

    b) If yes, enemy unit is attacked by each unit but fight back also all attacking units as long it can?