

  • Nat replied to the topic DoW List CoE in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 11 months ago

    Well the rules are…. a little bit open to interpretation.. they say you can take 25% allies from X list

    Now that would indercate that it should be a legal force (ie 1 Div Cmdr, 1+ Infantry etc)… HOWEVER this is a framework system and in reality you often had brigades sent to support another division*… so, check with your gaming buddies and…[Read more]

  • Oh I’m on your side…If you’re going to include something, include it for everything.  But like I said, WL have a habbit of being un-consistant 🙁

  • A little defense for the omissions from the points summery section – they are the points for non historical pickup lists using the mix and match brigades, and some units (such as Partisans, both Spanish & Russian) dont appear in these.  The section with all the units and back ground info are there for the people doing historical lists /matchups &…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Defeating the Japanese? in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 11 months ago

    No… spotters have a specific rule that says they cant “assault or fire against enemy units”

    Its that rule that stops them mannaing a transports weapons.

  • Official word is – no

    However, a couple of authors have said ‘we’re not looking at it any time soon, but what sort of thing would we look at’ on podcasts  & WL like to go ‘Heres X book’ with no leaks /official rumours…..(or open betas)

  • Irregular = -5
    weapons = no cost
    H2H = 4
    Shooting = 4
    Morale = 12 (3 points, count down from 6)
    Stamina = 8
    Marauder = 5

    Total cost is 28 points a SMALL unit
    to go to a normal /standard size then add +8 points
    to go to a large add +8 (or +16 from a small unit)
    to go to a tiny its -12 (the cost of becoming a tiny unit is flexiable)

  • Nat replied to the topic DoW List CoE in the forum Black Powder 1 year, 11 months ago

    The Brigade number restrictions are per 1K, the cavalry regiments are per army no matter the points value.

    So a 3K list you can have 3 Cavalary brigades and therefore up to 6 cavalry regiments – however only 1 can be hussars, up to 3 chassaers so the last 2 HAVE to be Uhlans.

  • Doesn’t surprise me…there’s points and stat inconsistencies in several armies across the 3 Napoleonic supplements


    However the points are very easy to work out…if it’s not been answered (and I remember) I’ll work it out for you tomorrow

  • Nat replied to the topic Defeating the Japanese? in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 11 months ago

    Can spearman attack a tank.

    Yes, if they banzai they auto pass their tank fear check… however once they get there, can they hurt it?…

    They need to hit (1 dice each..and if you moved* they need 6s, otherwise 4s – unless you run then it’s impossible to hit) each hit is +1 pen but limited to a single superficial hit on the tank at best…and…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Defeating the Japanese? in the forum Bolt Action 1 year, 11 months ago

    following up from @Nanashi’s points

    Mess his plans up…..
    Cheep forward deploying units to run behind his spearmen – the Banzai rule says towards the closest visable unit (yes that includes the tank that they cant hurt & inexperienced artillery spotters :p) & spearmen have a 360 arc of sight.  So if he wants them to move forward he needs to…[Read more]

  • CoE page 71 2nd paragraph under the Cavalry heading…. … it allows you to split any unit with that rule to smaller units.

  • Nat replied to the topic Japanese Banzai from a Transport in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago

    Key point here….units must be on the board to be able to draw LoS, if you arent able to draw LoS at the start of the order you arent able to declear an assault – same reason as why you cant assault from outflank or reserves…

  • @Nanashi – one shot (or limited number of shot) weapons dont have to be used when a unit fires, nor do they have to fire at the same target….

    From the ONE SHOT rules.  (sorry cant give a pg ref)
    “If a unit of infantry includes a proportion of men armed with one-shot weapons, then each of these models is allowed to direct its fire against a…[Read more]

  • look for S gauge /s-scale model railway bicyle STL /models….

  • Cavalry – (FAQ allows you to upgrade the officer to have a horse if you have a couple of squads on horses)
    motorbikes –

    bicycles – this isnt clear if they need a transport… but most people will allow it!


  • 1) yep, all vehicle mounted MGs need looking at… espically the quad maxim!
    2) not sure on this as they’re not really used that much any way…. are they?
    3) removes about the only reason to take an inexperiance one :p
    6)give models in a squad a 4+ bounce? (ie on a 4+ you get to ignore the exceptional and pick as normal) along…[Read more]

  • Senior Officers – If you could take them instead of a junior officer as opposed to in addition you’d see more of them… as it is they are surpless to requirements in most games
    AT Grenades – The ‘issue’ is the hitting of tanks… I’ve used them a fair bit… more against open topped vehicles though… so prehaps the lowering of points (down to 1…[Read more]

  • RE: light AT & Light howitzers – instead of making them better you decrease the avaliblity of the heavier tanks…and /or split the war into early mid & late so their cost makes them more attractive.

    Alter HE to a flat +1 PEN v Infantry except if under the centre of the template

    RE AA:  again I’d look at either RoF or making airstrikes more of…[Read more]

  • The ‘new’ waterloo suplement is geared for the EPIC system they have released as opposed to the tired old BP v1 Ablion Triumphant book 2

    However I too would like a new BP supplement focused on Austerlitz etc…. but ( I blame the lack of clarity and bredth in British school history lessons)  UK companies all seem obsessed with 2 or 3 battles…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Line of Battle in the forum Black Seas 2 years, 1 month ago

    Core rulebook – pg 35
    “Sailing in Lines”

    basically they are all bow to wave marker & activate when the slowest /last ship would with the ship at the head of the line going first… if they dont end the turn touching the wave marker then they arent in line next turn so activate normally.

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