

  • @legere TBH all you need is a token to go on the table to tell you if the ship has a critical effect…. then laminate the ship card are write the effects on there.

  • Nat replied to the topic Judge Dredd Minatures Game in the forum 2000 AD 2 years, 2 months ago

    Aren’t armoury cards are both discard on use (unless the model has a rule to keep it – like judges do with lawgivers) and retain like resporators

  • In judge Dredd, if a models cool goes below 4 due to injury/stun markers do they still add a star chip in to the bag?  Or just a normal action chip?

  • Erm…ok I’m puzzled here…must be missing something basic..


    Pg 11 stats include cool

    Pg 23 – injury and stun – lower all of the target models stats

    Pg 23 – incapacitated and subdued – when cool gets to 0 model is out of action


    Pg 62/77/79 etc – fortitude – basically ignore the stat loss from 1 injury or stun marker

    Pg 75 & 89 -…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Ot133 flamethrower tank in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 2 months ago

    The OT130 rules are in Ostfront …. as Soviet only…..

    However the FAQ/Errata does allow you to add it (any captured tank to any force) for no other points cost but gaining the unreliable rule (same as Finish T34s) and recommended that its kept at inexpeiranced (but for Fins I’d say inexperienced or regular is fine)

    Its basically a T26 with a…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Missing boat models in the forum Cruel Seas 2 years, 3 months ago

    The last question has been answered by Skytrex when they took over the rage last month…. there are currently no plans to expand that range…

    Why distribute rules with no models /plans for making the models – well a lot of historical games use multiple manufactors, plus you get the intrest of the company management but then not the sales to…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic First Impressions in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 3 months ago

    my view is that (as I’ve said else where) CA is a few ideas short of completion :p

    but BRS v ground targets – see how many hex’s defending aircraft are away… thats how many turns go by before they turn up…half the turns (or turn 4 if not on the board) to turn up disadvantaged?

    VaS idea… transports are free but you get a % of the BA points…[Read more]

  • I would go with the attacking force choosing the game…

    IE if air units attack then its BRS (either airstrike or sqn v sqn)
    if sea unit then its VaS or CS…

    For VaS v transports I would see how many transports / proxies for them I have and then allocate BA army points to each transport with 10-20% allocated to convoy protection

    ie a 1K BA…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic First Impressions in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 3 months ago

    well… its official…. you only get 1 blue card …

    so yeah if you want to play VaS or CS in your campaign your iniative card deck gets bigger :
    & either VaS or CS was a later addition and someone forgot to alter the number of cards in the rulebook on the number of iniative cards you get ….

  • Its an optional rule for large games… I’ll just add that if you put them line astern unless both ships are destroyers you can be touching base and be over 4″ away!!!  … so you’ll find a house rule is if ships are touching base then they are at point blank range / in proximity irrespective of actual measurement.

    ps if you look in the ‘news…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic First Impressions in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 3 months ago

    When you flip the token over to be concealled you take the plastic model off… you auto generate a scout (blank) token so your army will be in one of two places at the end of the move.

    Totally agree with the 80% written, I feel its missed the mark on the campagin side as if you have more than 2 players (so pretty much every gaming group /club!)…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic First Impressions in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 3 months ago

    So I have a question….how many of each type of iniative cards are you supposed to have?

  • Nat started the topic First Impressions in the forum Combined Arms 2 years, 3 months ago

    Ok, received it yesterday… but I was at the club so not had a look at the rulebook – thats tonights mission :p

    But first impression is it looks good and robust, but limited to 2 players without some House Rules… will see if thats true or not!

  • Is there any plans to have a Historical Sub-forum setup for Combined Arms?

    As its being delivered to direct customers if not today then this week….

  • @SteveT – I always have a bone of contention when people come in to a game specific group /page/ forum and then say play a different game instead…

    I mean I’m here because I play/ want to play X game so lets talk about X instead of telling me the Y is better!

  • I have no idea….todays news letter says that skytrex has the official control of the ‘cruel seas’ brand….


  • Going off patchy memory & 2nd hand info (from the BRS readyroom FB group ,that’s run by one of the beta group I think) but its not a seperate printing but rather corrections done during printing.

    I say i’m going off 2nd hand info because neither myself nor any of my local group actually have the midway starterbox!!!

  • The initial run of boxes did have several issues.. including the planes being put in to the wrong slots before being sealed which lead to large numbers of planes being broken in transit.  And IIRC yeah WL did acknowedge the connector size issues… if you let the CS guys know I’m sure they’ll replace them all for you.

    Sound like you got one of…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 2 years, 4 months ago

    @ArtfulB….Albion Triumphant 2 pg 105 – KGL LINE have rifle mixed formation and are 40 pts

    The KGL light battalions also have the same rule BUT are equiped with rifles so is pointless & NOT charged (i’ve done a breakdown of the points… they are costed for having rifles across the board)

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 2 years, 4 months ago

    @Stefan – KGL have rifle mixed formation during the 100 days (Albion Triumphant 2) which is the extra point. (their skirmishers fire as rifles).  In the Peninsular (Albion Triumphant 1) they are the same cost as the British Red Coats.

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