

  • I’d cry…. my list would need a fair bit of luck with the FAN torpedo rolls… BUT as my list is a 1943 list the teeth are pulled from that USN list (corsairs arent carrier capable, DP is half dice & Alaska isnt a valid selection) so I’d give it a go…..

  • You either choice an army from the ‘armies of’ book and gain the 3 special rules, of which 1 is the free FO, OR you choice the specific commonwealth list

    eg Indian army from duel in the sun removes the 3 British army rules and ONLY has the two in the duel in the sun (pg 23)

  • Getting a 403 access denied error when attempting to reply to a thread….

  • Nat replied to the topic Machinegun experten in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 11 months ago

    Easy Army – whilest great, and recommended by warlord isnt(!) an official rules source & in fact is a single guy.   There are a couple of rules issues, some are due to his interpretation (0-3 AT rifles in the soviet urban assualt platoon – EA has it as 3 not 9!) & others due to how the site is programmed (like the german MMG experten rule).  So it…[Read more]

  • RE: Kumano’s refit – Oh well thats what happens when you use BS and dont double check..meh :p …saves 30 points… thats 2 more bettys :p

    Type 93 torpedoes with their extra range are a lot easier to use as 17″ is short range (+0)… but yeah at long range they become hard to use, and at extreme range almost impossible.

    The basic stragergy for…[Read more]

  • yeah… the refits could do with i) being clearer
    ii) being proof read… I mean seriously the whole book should have been…I have a ‘small’ spreadsheet of over 200 issues with the stats blocks (missing info, blatenly wrong numbers, doubled up refits etc etc), & I gave up!
    iii) dont even get me or enoich started on the points…..

  • Also the attacking unit must be over 6″ away or not have a rule that prevents reactionary fire, & must be in arc (if the weapon /team has the fixed rule)…

  • Up and at ’em It you dont have AT grenades.. its a mute point because you arent going to destroy the tank… if you do have AT grenades its a mute point as you dont take the tank fear test anyway…

    Blood Curdling Charge; as said in the FAQ, its treated like being within 6″ of the target… so units in ambush still get to fire.

  • the Mogami refit brings another 4 aircraft for scouting, and as the turrets bearly do anything for me the aircraft are a better propersition :p

    re the Kumano – going off memory (& BattleScribe) as books at homeone of them gets its radar & +1 AA a year earlier than the other… its basically the Radar trait that the list is after.

  • Just to append Enioch’s point:

    If playing pickup games /non historical scenarios then you just take the names as sub-classes as there is no restrictions to only 1 of a name.

    So for example the Mogami class heavy cruiser class had 4 ships, but you are not limited to only having 4 in your fleet.  Only one of them had a massive refit that removed…[Read more]

  • About poor rolls, thats why we say if you are going carriers you must go all in on the scouting table (or deploy everything and hope to get the needed flights off in game).

    Now the list above I’ve used once against an opponent (and a few times against my other fleet to see how it works) and 7 SP is very very bad rolling

  • Nat replied to the topic Regimental Artillery in the forum Black Powder 2 years, 11 months ago

    re move & fire, depends if you are using the optional rules of 2+ moves means unable to fire.  If your not then yeah so long as you give the order of move to X and fire then I cant recall a reason why not.

    Yes the Batteries are independant units, they dont require limbering but thats the only exception that i can think of.

  • Example list that I used last game: – Year 1943 (-THIS IS IMPORTANT! personally this is the most balanced,,, pre 42 Allies struggle post 43 then the axis will due to refits and flights available)

    Akagi, 8 A6M5 Zero Fighters, 9 x Jill Torpedo Bombers – 250
    Shokaku, 1942 refit, 9 A6M5 zeros Fs, 9 x Jill TBs – 280
    6 x Betty TBs (land based) -…[Read more]

  • Ok Radar Trait (sorry dont have the page number), they add +1 to the scouting roll (so instead of needing a 5+ for the SP its a 4+) it also allows you to re-roll failed rolls… Advanced Radar add +2 instead.

    Not all DDs have Radar Trait, some add it as a refit so you need to look hard – for example with the Japanese only the Yugumo starts with…[Read more]

  • Carriers go with scouting points…. however important notes are:
    flights types & roles are decided when you write the list – in the FAQ
    all carriers start with 2 flights on the table no matter what (CAP) – in the rulebook

    You shouldnt have more than an escort carrier (5-8 flights) if you dont have a way of getting AT LEAST 7 scouting points……[Read more]

  • short answer  – Nope

    Long Answer –  Snap to basically gives you the chance of 2+ orders in succession without the chance of your opponent getting ‘a pull’ in between and therefore messing up your plans.  The rules actually tell you to take the order check for the officer to make sure he gets it then (paraphrase) allocate out the other order bu…[Read more]

  • Well outside of a siege prepapatory bombardments wouldnt really be more than a free round of shooting from the artillery (if in range)…. if your using the skipping shells rules from Clash of Eagles (& I think Albion 2) then I could see a use for it.

    FIBUA, this is always hard to get right with abstract rules…by that I mean the risk /reward…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 2 years, 11 months ago

    Albion 1 +2 (+ clash of Eagles) are V1 rulebooks….and written in a gentelmans framework not a tight ruleset like modern games.

    However a Break through move is used to describe what a sweeping advance is… (In an ideal world / tight ruleset the rule would say must make a Sweeping Advance and move maxamuim distance even it it takes them off the…[Read more]

  • thats going to cause problems….. same aircraft with 2 different offical stat cards from different current sources 🙁

    Sorry but the BoM zero should have got the the same as with the card pack and the ‘no stalling’ a ‘named’ equipment upgrade.

  • Nat replied to the topic Attacking bunkers in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 11 months ago

    HE v Buildings… yep they ignore the -2 cover for being in a building (because they are hitting the building)… so following on yep 2″ v bunker = pins only

    Yep the rules dont say anything (that I can see on a quick flick through) about not applying PINs or limiting them

    Assaulting any building has to be done through entrances … so windows,…[Read more]

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