

  • Nat replied to the topic Attacking bunkers in the forum Bolt Action 2 years, 12 months ago

    Yes bunker = a -4 cover mod so snipers (& flamethrowers) ignore it!
    Most shooting at bunkers is hail marys (aka 7+ to hit… :p  6 followed by a 6)

    HE… can always  target buildings ignoring cover mods!.. however you dont get to roll damage against models inside, & you need 12 hits to bring a bunker down…. so 3 or 4″ template  only

    Other me…[Read more]

  • Oh and dont forget to check out the offical FAQ as it add the -1 to hit subs when they are on the surface….


  • If you notice frigates (the two RN ones in the rules) ARE already classified as Destroyers….

    Warlord have consolidated the ship types……

  • Since the move to the new webiste…. where is the link to site?

    you can find the link to here (the forums) at the bottom of the page… but to the cumminity site where all the articles are put up and the downloads are…

  • Incase people have missed it… the midway box (and others) are going up for pre order tomorrow (21st August)

  • Nat replied to the topic Italian rules: NO RUN! in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago

    In situations like this (improvable object meets unstoppable force) I normally follow the rule of  must over rides cant.

    So the cant run stipulation doesnt stop a unit from receiving a run order but rather moving at double speed.  As an large gun being man handled cant move at double speed anyway I’d say it can still move.  However that in…[Read more]

  • @enoich – Only thing I’d say is when talking about dogfight rules use flights not planes so as not to add any confusion about the aircraft X trait supplying observer planes.  Otherwise yeah I agree with it all!


  • Nat replied to the topic Flossacke in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 1 month ago

    dont forget the DV… I think the little boat has a 4+ instead of the normal boats 3+

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 1 month ago

    I agree with @Charge the Guns… There is a rules precedent for instructions that cant be completed with the number of orders rolled (artillery limbering) carries over to the next turn. So I would go with that… if you tell a unit to go through woods and dont get enough orders they do as much as they can but stop when they run out of them.

    Eg…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Flossacke in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 1 month ago

    well empire in flames (and other campaign books) have this as a generic boat:

    Waterborne (deep & shallow water only, move has half track), Slow & Open-topped.


    • Assault boat/ life-boat/ improvised rafts etc

    Cost: 16 (inexperienced) 20 (regular) 24 (vet)

    Damage: 3+

    Transport: 16 men

    Option: remove May not Run for +10 points

    Rules: May not…[Read more]

  • Just some house rules for people to look at based for a competative pickup game…

  • https://warlord-community.  warlordgames.  com/resources-victory-at-sea/

    remove the double spaces after the full stops.


  • Nat replied to the topic A few rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 1 month ago

    @GregS – Dogfights happen at the end of the gunnery phase, so Bomber will always be able to attack a ship they are in B2B with before the fighters get a chance to shoot them down…. actually engaging bombers (of any type) that are touching a ship is the worst thing to do as it stops defensive AA from targeting them.

    Gunnery phase is effectively…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic A few rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 1 month ago

    I will say there are some confussing answers in the FAQ… most of which are to do with points… (one of the reasons why there are a couple of alternative point systems over in the wardroom facebook group).

    The FAQ also doesnt cover 100% of the stat related issues or rules interpretations (ie another being the returning ships diagram… is it…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic A few rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 1 month ago

    https://warlord-community.  warlordgames.  com/resources-victory-at-sea/

    remove the double spaces after the full stops!

  • Nat replied to the topic A few rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 1 month ago

    All of these questions are in the offical FAQ (i’ll post a link in a min)

    Kamikazes dont apply modifiers as per the FAQ… all flights hit on the flights chart EXCEPT FOR WHEN ATTACKING SUBS (for some STUPID reason!)

    DP fires when the ship fires NOT when the AA batteries defensive fire at the start of the gunnery phase.

    If you look in the ‘news…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic ACW Whipped units in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 1 month ago

    (Disclaimer – I dont have Epic ACW rules)

    If the Whipped unit always tests at all damage taken then yeah its 2D6-3 Vthe chart.  As you dont roll on the chart until you have reached your stamina level a reduced stamina means that your opponent has to do less shooting to cause it to take that first check.

    The rule set isnt a tightly written one…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic ACW Whipped units in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 1 month ago

    Brigade Moral,  if you lose more than 50% of a brigade its broken and retires from the battle.  So if you have 3 units in your brigade and 1 is whipped, If/when one of the other 2 units os destroyed then you only have 1 unit left, which is less than the 50% threshold so the brigade retires (runs away)

    A units stamina is how much punishment it c…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Japanese starting set in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 1 month ago

    yes light mortars are worth it in a japanese army… they can split fire (pick a different target from the rest of the unit) + give smoke.

    the Tank I build with a medium AT gun… however depends on how much armour you face in your local group as to what will do you best…

    two additions… hmm.. I added a sniper / flamethrower blisters and the…[Read more]

  • is a good list builder…not 100% accurate but it is one person looking after it when he gets the individual books…

    I think that theres only a few obsucure units that arent in the generic reinforced platoon…..not being a german player I cant say yes or no for you question.

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