Nat replied to the topic French Light Infantry Colors for Drummer and voltigeurs in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Osprey me-at-arms book146
Napoleon’s light infantry
Nat replied to the topic Just starting – army building questions in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 1 month ago
The warlord starter armies have a 1K list included…. they often have a couple of models left over.
As a rough guide go to wg.easyarmy. com (space left out) – however there are a couple of list errors & it contains units / Theater lists from ALL the armies of… books and the campagin books.
Nat replied to the topic Aircraft Carriers – What's the point? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 1 month ago
The pickup games missions…. they are an attempt at pickup /tournamaent games….. but the rounding of points doesnt exactly allow for ballanced tournaments….
If you are up for it I would look at the historical sceanrios and altering them to match your models /time
eg in the new year I’m planning on doing a version of the midway…. but…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Sails indicator in the forum Black Seas 3 years, 1 month ago
An idea from cruel seas is just to use little glass beads/ pebbles instead
Nat replied to the topic Aircraft Carriers – What's the point? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 1 month ago
Yeah RAW (and confirmed in the FAQ) is 0 flights can be used for scouting….
However the House Rule I like is when allocating ships to scouting you may replace up to a 1/3rd of any (/all) carriers flights with the Aircraft X trait (where X is the number of flights you replace). You can then do it that these Aircraft X can then be allocated in…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Mixed Formations – when to use? in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 1 month ago
Light Infantry… depending on the unit (and the supplement your using) can deploy in one of 4 formations, depends on how YOU as the general want to deploy them!
Line (0 skirmishers)
mixed (33% skirmishers)
Light infantry mixed (50% skirmishers (rounding up IIRC)) – this is found in the clash of eagles supplement
skirmish (100% skirmishers) – if…[
Nat replied to the topic Moving ships in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 1 month ago
When moving, the ship must end the turn on the table and not overlapping another ship. I do go with during movement overlapping is fine (stops tactical blocking). As only the bridge is the location of the ship I’d go with so long as the bridge doesnt go off the table then you are fine.
Nat replied to the topic US Rangers, Rangers Lead the way rule in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 1 month ago
errata pg 4
age 25, Ranger squad. Change ‘Rangers Lead the Way!’ Special
Rule to:
Rangers lead the way! Units of Rangers are allowed to make a Run move after both sides have finished set-up, but before the first turn of the game. During this move, the unit cannot assault
enemy units, and cannot be targeted by enemies in 23
If Ran…[
Nat replied to the topic Hanoverian Jager Companies in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 1 month ago
Yep… if you work out the points a number of units across all 3 books are a few points out …
Brunswick vanguard Battalions are a point over costed, the Nassau Jage Coy is 2 points UNDER costed…. the British Congreve & Howitzer artillery units end up being 4 points under costed… then you get the change in books as to how much downgrading…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic I ordered the French the minute it was for sale, my question is… in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 1 month ago
Its normally a 3 month pre-order window with Warlord. And is down on the UK site as as release date January….which can be any time in January :
One of the reasons why they’ve split the website down is to allow for delays in releases however so far its only been a couple of weeks between the US & UK with other systems (VaS, BA) that I’ve heard…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Unit sizes? in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 1 month ago
lack of concistancy in a warlord book!
Ok jokes aside, the Armies of … entries are generic to cover multiple years and doctirine /organisation changes (for example the Soviet LMG squad 6-12 men, 1 to 2 LMGs only in mid war where they ever 12 man with 2 LMGs) where as the Campaign entries are (in theory at least) true to that campaign.
(ps this…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Austrian and Russian command penalties in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 1 month ago
(disclaimer… not got my Russians on the table yet)
yeah fair point on the Artillery front…
As a Russian I want multiple small bdes for the breakpoint and the fact that half of my Bde commanders have to be SR7. So multiple bdes of 1 regiment works better for me (again in theory)However, dont forget that BP is a framework rule system, so if…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Austrian and Russian command penalties in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 1 month ago
For both its easy to make it a none entity rule… As the rule only affects battalions of different regiments (or cavalry regiments*)
The russians can take a brigade of 1 regiment… that may or may not have multiple battalions, The one brigade where you need multiple battalions from different regiments is the grenadier brigade which…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Scenarios for Sniper & Observer deployment in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 2 months ago
I’d take it to include the table edge where your models can enter the table from.
So with ‘meeting engagement’ I’d say cant be 12″ away from the enemies table edge OR an already deployed forward deployment unit!
Nat replied to the topic Scouting points and radar in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 2 months ago
Only the ship with Radar gets the benefit.
Think of it this way, you make a pool of dice for the aircraft, a pool of destroyers & cruisers without radar, a pool for Destroyers & cruisers with radar & a 4th pool for those with advance radar.
Pools 1 &2 can be rolled together as they are a 5+, pool 3 is a 4+ with a re-roll & pool 4 is a 3+ with a…[Read more] -
Nat replied to the topic Status of new campaign book and Italians in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 2 months ago
the book ‘soft underbelly’ was released a couple of weeks ago, and is available for purchase through the UK store (other stores dont always show the same info)
the units /army deals are still up for pre order (they may be a Feb release……)
Nat replied to the topic soviet army dog mine anti tank teams in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 2 months ago
@Stuart….. intresting take. As the wording doesnt say nearest eligible vehicle, and its not being targeted I’ve always read it as the closest soviet vehicle irrespective of order die gets a dog run under it. Kinda like how you pick a unit to be shot when your firing unit FUBARs…. the proximity is the only targeting restriction.
Nat replied to the topic Still not clarified: rules for the DAK Aufklärungsgruppen in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 2 months ago
Some of warlord do read these forums…. however if you email then one of the service guys will pass the question on to the rules team*… you should get an offical answer then.
*if they get asked enough they should put it in to the FAQ – they have with the VaS ones that I’m aware of
Nat replied to the topic Still not clarified: rules for the DAK Aufklärungsgruppen in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 2 months ago
oh I agree totally… I think consistancy and clarity* is important between books (& factions in a game!)…. well…. lets just say I made my point clear to one of warlords authors**…. (and similarly warlord themselves, never did get an answer to that email about proof reading in their books :p )
*as in not needing a FAQ /errata to find out…[Read more]
Nat replied to the topic Still not clarified: rules for the DAK Aufklärungsgruppen in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 2 months ago
The issue is a mix of …. warlord dont have the same authors for the campaign books, os htere is little consistancy between the books – either rules or units &warlord try not to FAQ/Errata the campaign books
So, not having the books in question I would go with
1) IF its purchased as a single unit then it provides one order die & is activated…[Read more] - Load More