

  • Being locked in a dogfight doesnt prevent you from attacking a ship 😮  Think of it as the bomber /dive bomber on its attack run and the defending fighters swoop in on its tail… the gunners on the ship cant target the attcker because they might hit their own guys behind but the guy behind wont get close enough to shoot the bomber down before it…[Read more]

  • Hi Finn,

    flights cant escort ships….infact it’s the worst thing to do to engage flights that are touching your ships as then your aa can’t target them, so you have no chance of destroying them before they attack your ships. (Dogfights happen at the end of the gunnery phase)

    the AA batteries (but not light guns firing DP) have a ‘fire step’…[Read more]

  • If you think your Napoleonic Artillery is going to end up in combat then Spanish is the way to go… they get to hold and not just break :p


  • Nat changed their profile picture 3 years, 2 months ago

  • Nat replied to the topic Regimental Artillery in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 2 months ago

    Depends what you mean by Regimental Artillery?  The Clash of Eagles Napoleonic entries are for Battalion guns:

    full is 3/2/1 – stam 2, half is 1/1/1 stam 1
    Range 24″
    Battery size – same as any artillery, so how your local club plays it (normally from what I’ve seen is 1 for half or 2 for full).
    Moves the same as Infantry without needing to be…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Attacking buildings in the forum Cruel Seas 3 years, 2 months ago

    IIRC RAF dropped tallboy and grand slam bombs on a U-Boat pen in france… the U-Boat Pen is still there, the bombs that hit didnt penatrate it.

  • If on FB or discord drop them a DM with your email address as I’ve had mine end up in their spam system before….

    I generally leave it 2 days if I’ve not had an auto response (its happened twice) I contact one of the team via FB and they look into where the emails gone.

  • You’ve hit on 2 subjects which come up a fair bit over on the wardroom facebook group, and Warlord have (unfortunatly in my opionion) ‘doubled down’ on by not acknowleging the issue(s) and saying they’re all fine in the FAQ:

    Points – dispite the comment on page 129 saying its balanced for pickup games, they are only any good as a rough guide……[Read more]

  • Yes,

    Against tough or very tough flights all the hits need to come from the same weapon system (so 1 ship basically) at the same time – so calling tough 2 HP is a bit wrong, its more that tough counts the first hit as a miss.
    However dont forget that DP only fires when the ship fires in the gunnery phase not in the defensive fire step when the AA…[Read more]

  • oh one thing I didnt notice before, you said DD re-rolled…
    Just to make sure – its the 1 AD thats re-rolled, all flights (except the JU88 torpedo bomber* & the IJN Emily bomber* and some flights in the scenarios) have a single AD which – like a torpedo or Battleships main gun has multiple DD.

    eg the B17 level bomber rolls 1 AD hitting on a 5+,…[Read more]

  • Yes, its an attack so is re-rolled.  The only time this wouldnt happen is if the attacker is a kamikaze or has the twin linked rule, then (as per the FAQ) you may decide that both the re-rolls cancel each other out.

  • Nat replied to the topic Rule Queries in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 2 months ago

    So basically you’d take the LI mixed formation rule (from CoE) drop it from 50% to 33% in the Line formation and use that to replace the Skirmish formation on normal and large battalions?

    (Small & Tiny formations are representing a company or two so should in theory stay as they are….)

  • Nat replied to the topic Rule Queries in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 2 months ago

    OK, not played first edition & I’ve not seen anything that says the v1 FAQ is still valid …so with that in mind I’d answer the questions as:

    Closing fire – page 54 makes it clear that the break test is made counting as in combat not being shot at.
    [quote] Chargers who suffer so many casualties from closing fire that they are shaken must take a…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Squares in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 2 months ago

    Bleh… its cavalry skirmishers who can evade formed cavalry charges..

  • Nat replied to the topic Squares in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 2 months ago

    In Napoleonics… any infantry unit that is bigger than Tiny CAN form square.

    If you use the Clash of Eagles supplement its an Order checkwith modifiers so isnt alway automatic.
    Tiny units cant form any formation other than skirmish or march column
    Units with the Skirmish rule can either do closing fire, form square or flee maneouver – now as…[Read more]

  • No, because your charge response is to form square not perform closing fire.

    The same as if you tell a unit to perform 3 moves then fail the order roll.  You’ve made the response of form square, just the guys have blundered and not managed to do so before the enemy cavalry hit home.

  • TL = theatre list

    Aka the theatre selectors

  • The word you are looking for is consistency – something the organic nature of the game is missing.


    the issue is simple, it’s not written as a pickup war game….easy campaign book is written separately and looked at separately.  So if the author thinks that a unit or equipment should be portrayed differently they redo it (see trenches, dr…[Read more]

  • Supporting units – pg 70, units within 6″ may support a unit in combat

    pg 77 break tests – Supporting units test if the unit that they where supporting fails its break test.

  • well on one hand you have Romans in heavy armour with large shields and good all round stats…. on the other you have unarmoured tribesmen…..

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