

  • Nat replied to the topic New player here in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    Hi both welcome to the wonderful game!

    The lists in the rulebook are a ‘get you by’ lists and are superseded by the ‘armies of…’ books.  IE if you have both ignore the lists in the rulebook.

    Some units have entries in campaign books and not the armies of ..’ books so dont worry if people mention stuff you dont have rules for (check out…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Snipers and vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    hmmm…..confused now! (doesnt take a lot some days :p)..I’m reading what you’ve written differently…. its reading to me like your saying if you roll a 6 to wound then that’s it the softskin is dead.

    But they are still a vehicle, so you still need to roll on the vehicle damage chart (4+ to kill it… so a sniper who hits then rolls the 6 to…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Snipers and vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    Sorry @Master Cheif but the Exceptional damage rule doesnt come in to this as the sniper (unless its OstFront Ziestsev) needs a 6 to wound the softskin, as a small arms theres no bonuses to the wounding roll against a vehicle.  Once its ‘wounded’ you then roll on the vehicle damage chart.  There is nothing on that chart that allows for m…[Read more]

  • Grenades either slow the game down for little benefit, ie the use of 1 per unit… hits 1-2 people with a normal hit or you end up with rules saying you can use X grenades here but only if Y can happen.
    OR they are totally overpowered … a unit of 12 guys throwing grenades against a unit of 8 vets… each vet getting hit 2-3 times..

    THey are a…[Read more]

  • 1. In this game all rifles are rifles be they semi-automatic or bolt action.  The Russians also have a semi-automatic rifle on their sprue.
    However most US units are all counted as having the M1 Grande  which is why their national rule is to ignore the -1 for moving and shooting.  IIRC in the errata a couple of units are stated as having the sp…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 7 months ago

    I read it as more a case of two rules 1)artillery can ignore units of skirmishers when forced to shoot the closest unit

    & 2) artillery can ignore the skirmishers of a unit when working out LoS & to hit score…. ie ignore the skirmishers and hit the line /column behind them.

  • To be honest… not cost effective for warlord to do this.

    If they only put a few in a blister they wont sell and so waste of money manufacturing them/ marketing & distributing them, too many and they either only sell one or two OR the ‘loose plane’ blisters out sell the based planes.

    Dont forget that most things are made in house so resource…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Bending Lines in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 7 months ago

    for  board sizes, the did say (although it might be v1) that they playtested on a 8′ 6′ board.

    For bent lines, I’ve read it as IF you move, you need 1 order to straighten the line before heading off….ie you want to move 6″ down the road you need two orders

  • Nat started the topic Close Quarters in the forum Cruel Seas 3 years, 7 months ago

    So just received a copy of Close Quarters…

    And there are some glaring omissions and padding in it!

    1) Why include an aircraft type column in the tables then not mention them/ give extra flavour?  I mean whats the difference between a fighter & a heavy fighter OR an attack aircraft ….a single engined spitfire has exactly the same rules as a…[Read more]

  • I dont get how one publisher can have them available on their site yet the other partner doesnt….

    ok I also dont get how DDay Canadian is £16, & Marinas in £19.19 for ebook & PDF but yeah…..

  • each nation has a generic light, medium and heavy artillery piece… which is open for people to use the models they like…

    As to the exact weapons… well in BA they are generic, rifle, SMG, LMG ect (except the BAR)… now I’ll say here I dont play french (nor does anyone in my local club!) so apart from i’ve put i’ll let other with more…[Read more]

  • The BA Campaign books are published by Ospreypublishing .com ….under osprey games on the website…

  • Hmm…. ok Forums ate my reply!…because I’d linked wikipidea in it!

    So without wiki links…

    Look at Campaign: battle of the bulge for an army list of the 1st Army but heres a list for you to start off

    consists of Officer, medics, forward observers, chaplains
    infantry: late war squads, FFI squads, Tiralleurs, morrocan Goumiers, Brigade de…[Read more]

  • I’ve consolidated the various optional rules from the 3 black powder supplements for the Napoleonics in to a single document for the guys at my local club in the UK.  Any way thought I’d put it up here to see what people think.

    Its written in a short hand as we all have the supplements, but rather than having the take them all around I thought…[Read more]

  • decoration

    models dont get to bring their own cover

  • Zaitsevs rules win… they are a definite 2+ irrespective of anything else… he ‘wounds’ vehicles on a 2+.  Kieffers rules say that instead of a 5+ you need a 6+

    So Kieffer changes the wound chart from 5+ to 6+, then Zaitesev changes it 2+ as he doesnt care about the starting value…. OR Zaitsev changes it from a 5+ to a 2+ then Kieffer CANT…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Setup question in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 7 months ago

    you get to choose if units like observers /snipers are part of the reserves or deployed units.

    If deployed units then they can use their deployment rules instead of the normal rules

  • As a Russian I’ve played against the Nebelwerfer a couple of times… the potential damage it can do with the templates is enough that I’ve targeted it as soon as possible!

  • well over on the BRS Facebook group… one of the guys with an insight has said it should be out this year (was slated for last year ..but covid happened)
    so here’s a copy of what they put


    [quote]All models are going to be in “Warlord” resin. Fighters are assumed to have associated Aces.
    Midway Starter set. New starter set containing rules , s…[Read more]

  • Nat started the topic Guessing time! in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 7 months ago

    So with the RN & KM boxes shown for preorder today…

    Whos up for guessing what ships & aircraft the IJN & USN will get next time?

    I guess the IJN will get the ISE or Fuso class Battleship for something between the Yamato and Kongo
    The aircraft…1 x Emily, 4 x Pauls (the fighter designed for flying off the Ise BB) & 4 x georges

    USN… not…[Read more]

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