

  • Nat replied to the topic HE vs soft skin in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    Just to add that for softskins you never get a superficial roll on the damage table, but could end up rolling massive damage (if the damage roll is 3 or more than the target roll twice on the damage table)



  • Nat replied to the topic Question about orders in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 9 months ago

    Im finding that some of the rules havent gone in due to lack of gaming

  • its also worth noting that army special rules arent pointed either!  Nor is movement (except for alteration against the norm – such as Austrian Horse artillery – gets a points discount)

    The points can only be viewed as a guide to help you build approximately similar sized armies…. which is why this game will never be a competitive one and…[Read more]

  • oops its only rockets that disorder on any hit! (pg 95)… Not enough game time :p

    Now I think if musket fire disorders on a 6 artillery should be more disruptive…. hmm… might have to add the disorder on any hit in to the house rules then!

  • one thing the club I go to was playing around with was whilst shortening the distances of move and weapons (as we play on 6’x4′ not 10 x6′ boards) was actually to leave the artillery ranges alone.  This means than they are in effect increased by 1/3rd so you get another turn of using them.

    Also dont forget that any hit with artillery disorders…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Exploding houses in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    copy and paste from v1 at a guess…I would go with the rulebook ie 10 hits bringing down the house

  • @paul. …ah just a different way of getting the same result as making the mmg team count as artillery (which protects the mmg from all small arms not just snipers)

  • hmms … I sense a new topic… sniper changes for v3

  • Nat replied to the topic A comparison in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 9 months ago

    because there are a couple of weird decisions and fudging of points across the board…

    I can see in the beta a clear points cut for later launched ships…. the essex class carrier compared to the yorktown class loses 2 flights, gains a 2nd set of DP light guns (doubling the shots) has ranged AA, better local, has advance radar, nearly 20 more…[Read more]

  • At Paul Neettle – Sorry going to disagree with your first point I mean if you remove snipers ability to do exceptional damage (that is ‘remove equipment’ – that includes LMGs & panzerfausts) you have removed them from the game…. ok they hit better and have a 12-36″ range but still wound the same as a normal rifle.  Thats not worth the 50 or 65…[Read more]

  • yes it is…. 2 things.. 1 is that cavalry can be put in line 2 bases deep (so 3 wide for a standard unit).  The other is that the unit frontage sizes are guides and personal /club basing conventions should win out.  The difference in sizes shouldnt make to much of an impact.


    In the Chelmsford bunker we’ve gone with the rule of thumb for b…[Read more]

  • Common ones I’m aware of..

    MMG teams count as artillery (so can’t be killed off by exceptional damage/ sniper fie)

    MMG teams do D3 pins instead of 1….OR MMGs do an extra pin if in range before rolling to hit

  • Nat replied to the topic Why the Etna? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 9 months ago

    I’d agree with you pair except for 1 fact… this is the 2nd edition of the game, having originally been made by mongoose.

    So warlord have to cater for both returning /continuing players as well as openeing it up to those gamers who have never played a naval game.. it’s not a historical game – it’s a game based on history, the moment you put p…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Editing Fixes in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 9 months ago

    I think all of these have been flagged to the warlord team already…., we are waiting for the rulebook to be released (in january) which will over rule the cards.

  • Nat replied to the topic Why the Etna? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 9 months ago

    In the facebook group one of the authors has confirmed that they’ve put the un commissioned vessals in to the game for both game balance & to enable what-ifs

  • Nat replied to the topic Heavy Cavalry D1 in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 9 months ago

    all dragoons in the game are heavy Cav D1, as are dutch belgium carabiners (AT2), Neopliatian Heavy cav (CoE) and Spanish guard Heavy Cav (AT1)

  • Nat replied to the topic Heavy Cavalry D1 in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 9 months ago

    yes…. and saxon heavy cav are D2 or D3 (roll per unit at start of game)

  • thats a mix of v1 and v2 rules…

    in v1 Div Comanders could use their SR to order any unit …

    in v2 Div Commanders just provide a single reroll per turn to 1 bde commander that they have joined (so start the turn in 12″ /proximity of)

    however v2 also gives you the option of changing your div commanders re-roll to a different skill (IIRC theres…[Read more]

  • Pas de Charge is 2 points per unit, and gives you in effect a limited version of reliable, in it only works if the unit is in assault column, now thats where the issue comes in – as some of the supplements say pas de charge is reliable in assault column, which is the same wording as the BPv2 rule book.   However as you pay points for it we (…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Why the Etna? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 9 months ago

    my view with the Italian set up including the Aquila is the aircraft and special rules… the Italians have a rule that if you take ground based aircraft you suffer a -1 to your initiative roll so required a carrier, that then comes with a rule for aircraft with folding wings…. and only the Re2001s being carrier capable.

    Now the Etna…I guess…[Read more]

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