

  • Nat replied to the topic Proof reading in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 9 months ago

    Currently there is no erata… as already mentioned the rulebook hasnt been released (due end of Jan) so all we have is a Quick Start Rule booklet….

    There has been feed back to warlord about typos in the cards, but the cards will just be player aids and (hopefully) over ruled by the mainbook


  • Nat replied to the topic Blank Stat Cards in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 9 months ago

    I’d say no official ones…. however when we get the rulebook in january you’ll be able to make up your own…

    I expect to see a few mockups here or on the facebook group (Victory at sea Wardroom (unoffical))

  • Nat replied to the topic 1809 French Allies in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 9 months ago

    Yes, if you are taking a Wurttemburg division you need at least 1 Inf Bde… however Black Powder is best described as a framework rules… as they are allies I would allow you to add just the light infantry brigade with no Wurttemburg divisional commander but not allow them to benefit from the divisional commanders re-roll

    Re Artillery.. yes,…[Read more]

  • doesnt matter if you’re a vet of a dozen battles or just out of training…. if you trying to put a handgrenade through a slit!  The difference is your getting there (the order check)

  • Nat replied to the topic NCO as loaders in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 9 months ago

    wouldnt be the first FAQ answer that directly contradicts the rulebook…. look at the rece movement entries…. I’d take that answer as being for that unit only at best or ignore it totally at worse.

    Having said that, if your gaming group is happy for your NCOs to be loaders then go for it… double penalty when the NCO is killed off by…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Ambush timing in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 10 months ago

    Kar98K’s way is the way we play it at the Chelmsford bunker… reasons

    i) its quicker as you move all your models in one go before we work out shooting, rahter than half move, shooting, remove casualties, finish moving whilst remembering how far each individual guy can go


    ii)unless exceptional damage is rolled the owning player removes…[Read more]

  • MTBs /small boats  will have been used to slip under radar to mine channels used by subs and also to clear an area before you sail your own subs / capital ships out of harbour.

    Could you do dieppe… possibly… but I wouldnt due to the numbers involved… but the Commando raids (such as the recover of the paras who took apart the german radar…[Read more]

  • Not that I’m aware of….of memory I don’t think that has any, and they are 90% up to date with campaign books (missing the latest pacific book’


    however There is another Normandy book coming soon (preorder on sat) that covers the British and commonwealth sector

  • In the QSRs, nope those points are from the callout box on page 6 …


    yeah I feel that it’s currently pointless…

  • cool…

    should be collecting my 5th & 6th Mogamis on friday so over the weekend I can convert one up to be the ’43 refit mogami!  (swapping the US half of my starter for the japanese half from the US player at my local club)

  • 1) large silhouette is if you are in the port or starbord arcs of the target… doesnt matter if its a destroyer or battleship

    It is the largest part of the shilhouette in relation to the ship its self…


    2) yep… if its over 30″ then its over horizion shootings – which is its own call out box (QSR pg 6) &  is all of

    i) over 30″ but still…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 10 months ago

    To be fair we normally do a charge order and then a supporting move order for the other units.

  • Dont really have a favorite list… but I do have a core that I find hard not to take…

    1 x snr (1st) Lt

    2 x 11 man guards with 2 LMGs + 1 Pzf

    1 x Zis3 AT gun

    2 x AT Rifle teams

    1 x 12 man inexp rifle squad with AT grenades (these guys are free!)

    … I find it hard not to take my MMG team with gunshield… rearly kills much but does upset…[Read more]

  • general rule of thumb for a 4 x 6′ board at the club where I play is make a board that looks like a land mark that would be fought over… be it cross roads, a small village with a church, a river crossing etc

    to do that you’ll want 7′ of river with at least 1 bridge and 2 crossings (you want a couple of bends in the river)

    about the same in…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Question Thread in the forum Black Powder 3 years, 11 months ago

    No because thats two separte orders…. 1 is a charge & the other is a move

  • just the bridge.. the relavent part is page 3 where it talks about the bridge being the location of the ship

  • Hi Frank,


    I’ve put the wardroom FAQ up in its own thread which covers a number of questions… but I’ll stress most are unoffical!!!

    However to answer what you’ve asked

    Tough – yes local 1 = impossible to shoot down a tough plane… however DP guns can! (the FAQ has a complete breakdown of how AA works)

    Carrier points – yes at the moment..…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Russian light Pak crew in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    Didnt think artillery could counted as a small team?

    but like Master Cheif I hadnt noticed the cost differene…. I dont own any of the small AT guns, prefer to take Zis3s for my artillery

  • @Master Chief – the M3 Scout car has the option of taking 4 pintel mount HMGs with have limited fire acrs in game … off top of my head front + left, front + right, rear + left, rear + right

    @Thomas – the HMGs are on the corners of the transport area and whilst theoritically alble to fire accross the loading bay its not that practicle


  • Nat replied to the topic $40 for Panzerschrek in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 11 months ago

    The change in currancy acceptance and the related exchange rate may not be warlord, but rather the bank that provides the payment portal..

    espically as its now been updated to accept applepay & googlepay


    I stress may.. .because I dont know which system they use to provide the payment portal

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