

  • Nat replied to the topic Napoleonic Artillery in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    @Big Al – that page number tells me shaken units cant charge, not that shaken units cant advance towards the enemy… I dont see how they are the same thing?  And as SteveT says its quite a difference.


    Advance towards the enemy = make a move and end up closer to the enemy than they where before they moved…

    charge = move in to hand to hand…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic New Player Question in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago

    A 500 point game is taking us at the chelmsford bunker about 3-4  hours of game time…but we’re still learning the game


    now I have a 1K army based on the French army of Portugal at the battle of Vimero planed that looks like this

    5 x infantry brigades with 4 battalions of light infantry, 1 x Swiss, 2 x large line, 2 x combined grenadier…[Read more]

  • Negative – You can declear a charge just against the skirmish screen forcing them back in to the main unit then be in line infront of the unit ready to shoot un impeeded (pg 90).

    Positive – Any shooting against the unit from the front counts against skirmishers (so always applys the -1), with only artillery ignoring that.  However they are a…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic HE Against Armor in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago

    To put what Jacob said above in to examples…

    You have a small 2″ HE template (+2 PEN) shooting at a light tank (DV8)…

    you roll to hit, then because the max damage could hurt the tank you roll to see how many pins (D3) you cause.


    Now if the same small HE was shooting a medium tank (DV 9) if /when you hit you need to check the crew level -…[Read more]

  • Looking at this and its not to hard to port over from V1 to V2:

    You pick Decisivness then you get general traits (pg 109) Decisive on a 5 or 6 OR Hesitant on a 1

    If you pick Independance you get Headstrong on a 5 or 6 OR Diffident on a 1 (diffident is different to the old Irresponsible but replaced it)

  • Yes they are DEAD & GONE!


    In fact if it was HtH that causes a break test dont bother rolling it just remove them as EVERY result is Artillery is Dead 🙁



  • George and Profile picture of NatNat are now friends 4 years ago

  • well in the 9 months since the question was asked…

    merchentmen, schooners & cutters (sloops) have been released so who knows what else is comming!

  • Nat replied to the topic Smuggler's Run in the forum Black Seas 4 years, 1 month ago

    Hi Stefan,  I’ve just downloaded the booklet as I like the look of the game….

    however not sure what you mean by the campaign steps not being in order….

    step 1 – load your ship & see whos trying to stop you reaching england

    step 2 – determin battle (or how the clash happens)

    step 3 – fight battle

    step 4 – sell the cargo off your suriving…[Read more]

  • sorry, got myself confused on game systems!



  • Nat replied to the topic Shaken timing in the forum Black Powder 4 years, 1 month ago

    Yep as George said….

    You are shaken at the end of the activation where unit stamina is exceeded. (dont forget disordered if a 6 to hit was rolled)

    After a break test you are either broken OR your casualty tokens are dropped to the stamina value

  • Taking the units involved as normal sized normal cav…

    you’ve got 6 dice HTH from the Cav hitting on 3s with a 4+ moral save on the infantry – 2-3 casualties

    Infantry hit back on 5s (disorderd) with a 4+ save on the Cav – 0-1 casualties

    In combat resolution the infantry get +1… so do stand a chance of getting a draw.


    However if the…[Read more]

  • You need some benefit for spending (Napoleonic suplements) 25 points per pip of Staff Rating….

    plus dont forget that you need to spend a ‘move order’ to change formation and there’s no pre-measuring or stating I’ll move x”s forward its Y unit will go to Z location then change formation / hold ground /unlimber etc etc… so even with 3 moves…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic warlords acw in the forum Black Powder 4 years, 1 month ago

    Currently no… just acting as a reseller for Perry Minitures


    ps – nothing to do with Warlord so have no idea if they have any ideas about changing this going forward

  • So reading through the Battle for the Pacific Rules manual that I got with the August copy of Wargames Illustrated and theres a few questions I’ve got – I hope these are due to the rules manual being a cut down version of the full book!

    1) AA against aircraft – pg 16, says that the roll is never modified, yet pg 15 aircraft trait large has a…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic VaS Rules release in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 1 month ago

    Ok it was the August copy, which has already shipped and is available to buy.

  • Nat replied to the topic Have a few questions in the forum Cruel Seas 4 years, 1 month ago

    There are no specific answers in the main rule book ..and I don’t have the close quarters supplement however …


    guessing, but using historical usage as a start…

    1) stationary or slow

    2)only the launching model, not able to target emu thing at close range on the arc where you are launching

    3) all

    4) nope

    5) nope


    6) small or l…[Read more]

  • There is an optional rule for units of troop transports

  • Nat replied to the topic Indirect Fre and Pins in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 1 month ago

    If the mortar is firing then its the mortar that is receiving the order and so needs to test, and will receive the order die next to them.  The spotter just provides LoS to the target (and due to not having an order die next to him can claim DOWN if targeted)

    You can think of it as spotter & mortar are 2 separte units that share Line of sight…[Read more]

  • So an update on the Chelmsford Bunker BP front!

    We have 5 French*, 6 British*, 2 portugese (one with french as well) and a Prussian force being started!


    *a couple of guys are doing a force for each so we dont have blue on blue pick up battles!

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