

  • AA batteries are 360 arc

    DP just allows the weapons system to target aircraft at half range ..and must either target aircraft or surface ships (no mixing target)


    so using 5” guns at 6” range do I use half the AD or a quarter?

  • Might I suggest ospreys men at arms boom 141…napoleons line infantry …


    basically it it boils down to regimental preference … there is no one size fits all answer you need to look at the regiments in question.

  • Nat replied to the topic Tank and turret pivots in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 4 months ago

    As said above turrets normally have a 360deg arc unless jammed (damage table result)


    i say normally because some turrets have limited arcs such as the soviet t28 & t35 tanks which have turrets limited to 2 arcs (so 180)…

  • Nat replied to the topic Ship points in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 4 months ago

    It’s. 600 in the rules manual as well…so looks like the card is a typo

  • I know they didn’t get operational but is there any plans for Japanese jets?


    or should I just get an me262 and run it as a Ki201 protype?

  • Nat replied to the topic 25-Pounder in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 4 months ago

    One issue with the British used 105s.. by the time the allies reached the German boarder they where semi-retired as resupply issues meant that most of the ammunition was reserved for the US artillery….as the British had the 25 pdr to fall back on!


    now I don’t know whether or not most of the British 105s where used in priest equipped u…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic VaS Rules release in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 4 months ago

    Do you have the mongoose v2.  beta?

    At the moment we only have the 2 player QuickStart rules but they are very close to the v2 beta with minor changes (such as crit hit location being decided by a D10 not 2D6)


    i have a copy of the old mongoose v1 but I’ve not gone through and compared them

  • Nat replied to the topic VaS Rules release in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 4 months ago

    The release date is next Saturday (29th) and has been known for at least a month…there has been a count down timer on the 2 player box for at least 3 weeks…


    people who live in the midlands are able to arrange collection from WL as of Monday so the game is ‘in the wild’ next week

  • Nat replied to the topic VaS Rules release in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 4 months ago

    What I’ve heard is that the release will be 3 books

    1, The rules

    2, Scenarios

    3, Ship stats

    So whilst they wont release the cards on their own you will be able to get the stats without buying the ships and make up your own cards (which in fairness I think I might end up doing some as I’m not a great fan of way Cruel Seas /Victory at Sea/ Black…[Read more]

  • @marecki – I read it differently… as the shooting rules state that it’s is an assault column or line when being shot at in the flank or rear I take it that mixed formation IS as an upgrade so should keep the +1 moral

    the only reason why I wouldn’t give the screen the sharpshooter rule is because the unit as a whole doesn’t have it

  • New question DP and restricted… both half the AD now does this mean you only have a quarter of your AD? Or does the Count as AA part of DP give you a 360 arc for the purpose of the restricted rule?

  • Nat replied to the topic VaS Rules release in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 5 months ago

    Nothing has been said yet … there are pre order stuff up for Oct my personal guess is an Xmas release

  • Nat replied to the topic Napoleonic Artillery in the forum Black Powder 4 years, 5 months ago

    @Big Al – that page number tells me shaken units cant charge, not that shaken units cant advance towards the enemy… I dont see how they are the same thing?  And as SteveT says its quite a difference.


    Advance towards the enemy = make a move and end up closer to the enemy than they where before they moved…

    charge = move in to hand to hand…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic New Player Question in the forum Black Powder 4 years, 5 months ago

    A 500 point game is taking us at the chelmsford bunker about 3-4  hours of game time…but we’re still learning the game


    now I have a 1K army based on the French army of Portugal at the battle of Vimero planed that looks like this

    5 x infantry brigades with 4 battalions of light infantry, 1 x Swiss, 2 x large line, 2 x combined grenadier…[Read more]

  • Negative – You can declear a charge just against the skirmish screen forcing them back in to the main unit then be in line infront of the unit ready to shoot un impeeded (pg 90).

    Positive – Any shooting against the unit from the front counts against skirmishers (so always applys the -1), with only artillery ignoring that.  However they are a…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic HE Against Armor in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 5 months ago

    To put what Jacob said above in to examples…

    You have a small 2″ HE template (+2 PEN) shooting at a light tank (DV8)…

    you roll to hit, then because the max damage could hurt the tank you roll to see how many pins (D3) you cause.


    Now if the same small HE was shooting a medium tank (DV 9) if /when you hit you need to check the crew level -…[Read more]

  • Looking at this and its not to hard to port over from V1 to V2:

    You pick Decisivness then you get general traits (pg 109) Decisive on a 5 or 6 OR Hesitant on a 1

    If you pick Independance you get Headstrong on a 5 or 6 OR Diffident on a 1 (diffident is different to the old Irresponsible but replaced it)

  • Yes they are DEAD & GONE!


    In fact if it was HtH that causes a break test dont bother rolling it just remove them as EVERY result is Artillery is Dead 🙁



  • George and Profile picture of NatNat are now friends 4 years, 5 months ago

  • well in the 9 months since the question was asked…

    merchentmen, schooners & cutters (sloops) have been released so who knows what else is comming!

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