

  • More Questions –

    I know its been asked before, but not answered…. so here’s the question again.

    When shooting at ships do Shin’yo rockets suffer -3 to hit or -4? 

    ‘normal’ rockets suffer -1 when shooting at land targets & -2 when shooting as naval targets, so with the wording of shin-yo’s suffering -3 instead of the normal -1 do they suffer…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Airplane rules query in the forum Cruel Seas 4 years, 4 months ago

    To be honest, I’m going to pick up the supplement Close Quarters which has some cleanup of the rules for aircraft in it.

    Your opponent might already now about it due to the radar rules.  It says at the start of the turn… so I read that as the plane activates before any activation die are pulled from the bag.

    re flak – i read it as per…[Read more]

  • Another couple of options are….ps some shocking idesa here….

    play some of the campaign scenarios/ randimise which mission you do play

    Play lopsided battles – ie you have 1K + a king tiger, they have a normal 1K army.

    Play tank war /armoured platoons

    play larger point games where multiple units are activated under a single order die

    play…[Read more]

  • Yeah I read that as a statement of an idea not a ‘heres a scenario we’ve written’ as well…..


  • Ok, on page 91 there is what appears to be a rule… however as said in the title this is in the background of the Red Fleet.

    the sentance in question is “all hits under 6-pdr will not cause a critical hit to Bronekater turrets; the roll is simply ignored”.

    Now does this mean if (for example) a 40mm causes a critical a 5 (gun hit) counts as no…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Dug In confusion in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 4 months ago

    true…. how about something like this?

    Grenade, range 3″, shots 1 Pen 0 special: assault, thrown weapon, grenade

    thrown weapon rules – ignore cover mods, never gets the point blank bonus,

    grenade weapon rules – has +1 PEN against infantry, if hit does D2 hits


    dont want them to powerful as they are free on most models

  • Nat replied to the topic Dug In confusion in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 4 months ago

    @richard – you mean almost realistic?  just a head and weapon showing whilst firing!… although I would have balanced it with the negative of the unit gaining the FIXED rule whilst in a ‘dug in’ position

    Flamethrowers (preferably on a tank!) and /or smoke seems to be the way to deal with dug in troops

  • Nat replied to the topic Soviet LMG Squad in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 4 months ago

    To help differenciate the two squads… otherwise there would be no point in the rifle squad entry* as if you wanted a green rifle squad you’d just take the LMG squad and not buy the LMG!

    *Aside from the free ‘conscript’ squad…..


    – I keep saying this, but this is a Hollywood game based on History not a historical simulation game

  • Nat replied to the topic Player placed obstacles in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 4 months ago

    Ostfront & Fortress Budapest have minefields in the IIRC.


    Basically every campaign book has enviroment and some additional rules…

  • Well for house rules I’d say the following could happen:

    Each model counts as 2 for the purpose of ’embarking’ in to a building.  (this then builds in the 1″ gap)

    Only 1 unit may man a wall at a time (making it easier to keep track of)

    Only units that are manning a wall can be targeted by an assault against that side of the building (no…[Read more]

  • Ok putting this here as this is the ‘key system’

    Have people tried putting together a generic campaign (ie not a historic one) linking the different game systems together?

    An idea I was thinking of is something like this with player 1 being the campaign attacker and player 2 being the defender

    Game 1 – BRS escort mission with player 1 escorting…[Read more]

  • Dont think there are any…. but hay people have got time on their hands to make up a campaign pack that allows this!


    All players start with a generic platoon, with equipment /unit limitations to 1939 then you get so many XP per unit for suriving a game, kills, completing objectives etc which can then be spent to upgrade the unit

  • I’ll counter that with where does it say you can have more than 1 unit per floor?

    Its a permissive rule set, that states you need to have a 1″ gap between friendly units… bering in mind that page 115 allows transports to have more than 1 unit embarked and so gives us a pass on the 1″ gap rule.


    So the rules say you need to have a gap between…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic HE vs buildings in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 5 months ago

    @paul – on Preparatory Bombarment.  There is nothing in the rules about using a template so its just 1 hit. (the rules only talk about 2 man units taking 50% casualties but not biger units, so yeah 1 hit is just that 1 person getting hit)

  • To be honest my Japanese arent even made yet!


    I’m just wanting to make sure I have the rules staight in my head…. and knowing me at one point I will roll multiple hits with mortarts in one go! (they’ll then fail to do anything for the rest of the game……)


  • Nat replied to the topic HE vs buildings in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 5 months ago

    yeah you declare down as a reaction, when the to-hit die has been rolled its to late to make a reaction.

    The only exception to this is IIRC is prelimary bombardment when you get to decleare your going down after the roll to see if the unit is hit but before the template is placed….

  • The crux of the question is then, do the mortars count as separte units when firing?

    Because the rules are clear, you only take PINs once per firing unit – at the highest no. available ie 2 flamerthrowers is only +3 PINS not +6




  • Ok, so light mortars in a unit (eg Japanese Grenadiers or the French rifle grenade unit) can all target different enemy units.   In which case all those units take D2 PINs.

    Now what happens if all my mortars (3 in the case of the japanese grenadiers) target the same unit?

    Is it D2 PINs because all shooting happens at the same time so you apply t…[Read more]

  • Reading the US introduction page… and I have a couple of questions

    what is coats striking group? and how does a cruiser provide air cover to it?  – USS Chester paragraph

    How long is the range of the New Mexicos guns if she can shell islands in the pacific when she returned to the Atlantic at the start of the war?



    yes, I think its…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Command Post in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 5 months ago

    for what its worth …some of the FAQ /Errata has been rolled in to the Bolt Action FAQ (free on the warlord store)….

    However its also worth noting that Tank War is a Bolt Action V1 suplement so has a number of rules ….mishmashs shall we call them…. where the core rules have been changed.

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