

  • The displacement tonnes amounts vary between sources and if it’s patrol loaded, max loaded or testing.

    But the / 500 and round works for all ships


    Between v1 (mongoose) and v2 (warlord) a couple of different stats were amalgamated or removed…

    So hull is literally the displacement that the ship made.

  • Nat replied to the topic Vehicle Questions in the forum Bolt Action 2 months, 4 weeks ago

    Well…V3 rulebook is being released in September and a new armies of Germany is being released early next year.  This will include most units from campaign books as well


    So hopefully these lack of consistencies are addressed

  • Nat replied to the topic Acthung Panzer in the forum General Discussion 3 months ago

    Not stated…. but the engine deck is in the top back of the hull so I’d place a hull damage token

  • Nat replied to the topic News from the Wardroom! in the forum Victory At Sea 3 months ago

    There’s an updated community points chart, but apart from that nope this thread is pretty much update.

  • Well the way platoons are going to be constructed is changing (how we dont know yet)

    Plus all the V3 armies of… Books will be bringing in most units from the campaign books – some units will be left to specific campaigns only…h


    This was confirmed in the announcement articles 

  • Welp can tell I don’t look at this forum much…



    Short answer is green roll is made when casualties are taken


    This is AFTER wound rolls

    BEFORE models are removed, which is before moral check (if applicable)


    So the are hit at inexperienced, wounded on inexperienced but MIGHT check at regular

  • Nat replied to the topic Why are all the flags missing? in the forum Black Powder 4 months ago

    Are you near Chelmsford?

    But for flags…. well you need to know what regiment you are painting as the facings of the uniform changes depending on the regiment…
    however there are a couple of sites that do flags for you…google GMB designs

    I need to finish off my french and put their flags on!

    As to why they arent included – well because…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Community Introductions in the forum General Discussion 4 months ago

    @hazed100 – anywhere near Chelmsford?

  • So… are you playing Core Rules or Clash of Eagles Expanded rules?  Or the revised Waterloo epic (which is somewhere in the middle… but I dont have a copy so cant comment further on that)

    Now irrespective of that…

    If charged in the front when your flanks arent secured by either a unit in square, building or table edge if your unit has…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Bolt Action 3rd Edition in the forum Bolt Action 4 months, 2 weeks ago

    supposedly a WL anoucement should happen on Wednesday – as they werent expecting the Osprey link to be put up this early…. so a few questions were asked at salute and got given the answer of wednesday… so fingres crossed.

    my guess is that it was going to be June that it was announced, which would work for their (both WL and Ospreys) normal 3…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Bolt Action 5 months ago

    My take – [HOWEVER dont forget that this is why campaign units should only be used in campaign scenarios… apart from that see how your opponent wants it played BEFORE you start playing the game.]

    So, recrew the gun – you remove models from the unit and use them to resurrect the casualties from the gun crew…

    So you have now lost the officer…[Read more]

  • Is it a heavy weapon – yes
    Does the base Pen change – NO! (The only thing that I’m aware of in the whole game that changes a base pen value is a german MG rule in one of the DDay selectors)
    Does the weapon have additional modifiers that apply to the Damage calculation- yes

    It even says – Regardless of if the hit can damage it!

    So the HMG is…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Korean war aircraft in the forum Blood Red Skies 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    WL *may do*, we just dont know until they either show them on an open day (Aug/Sept sort of time) or they appear in the news letter.  However a number of people use AIM (aircraft in miniture, or any other 1:200 scale)

    Discord – the unofficial WL server:
    https :// discord. gg/ bkFGAyE9

    <remove spaces for it to work>

    the BRS channel isnt that active

  • Nat replied to the topic Korean war aircraft in the forum Blood Red Skies 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    Theres a number of extra aircraft in Wing Commander! book also if you head over the the Ready Room Facebook group… a couple of the beta testers hang out there (as does the author!) so if theres not already any stats they can gen up some semi-offical ones for you (they are the same guys who did the aircraft charts in Wing Commander.)

  • Nat replied to the topic Bomber turrets in the forum Blood Red Skies 5 months, 2 weeks ago

    its a trait card, I think its called interlocking fire

  • Nat replied to the topic Midway Scenario Table in the forum Combined Arms 5 months, 3 weeks ago

    Its just a D6 to pick which scenario to play

    However you’d need the scenario as well as they include the table setup and deployments.

    If you have the original BoB box then you can just use the scenario table in that… I think that the Airstrike book may have a version as well – but in work so cant check for you.

  • pg 55, if you conduct traversing fire you cant then conduct closing fire (points 2 & 3)

    So yes its once per player turn (or twice per round / game turn)

  • Nat replied to the topic New errata discussion in the forum Bolt Action 6 months ago

    All the national, unit and theater rules in campaign books have ALWAYS been TO/Opponents permission only… people just dont play it that way.

    Tiger Fear is still a mess and should be binned… personally I’d change it to a reserve rolls modifier for western allies vehicles only

    Tank riders – TBH its a free rule, and gamers are finding…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Banzai from transport in the forum Bolt Action 6 months, 1 week ago

    It goes against the written rule to allow Banzai to assault…. irrespective of the WHY, the rule is clear, NO assaults from a transport.  There has to be an EXPLICT rule saying this rule allows these models to assault from a transport to  over ride the rulebook and allow it….

    Section – Dismounting from a transport (sorry only have a ebook to p…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Rules Questions in the forum Bolt Action 6 months, 1 week ago

    Small arms NEVER get damage modifiers against armour (DV7+ vehicles)

    Only heavy weapons (ie those with a PEN value of at least +1) get to use those modifiers.

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