

  • Irony factor … apparently the warlord spanish page has already announced it being pushed back to early june….

  • Hi John,  Have you tried the vairous North American Bolt Action Facebook groups?

  • Nat replied to the topic Solo Play Cards? in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 8 months ago

    I know they did this for lords of Erehwon….

  • Watching a Paul Stallard run through…. and As he’s saying you can do your firing at the end of any movement 1/3 (when you turn) ….

    so id say ignore everything it says about rams and collisions and play that aspect as normal.   Ie if the MTBs is in the first movement a collision occurs, if not then you have to do normal ram tests

  • Look at the new Stalingrad book…there are 8 German selectors most have the types you are talking about.

  • It looks like WL are going more towards the gaming than the modelling side of the hobby.  Where you want to be able to see what something is from across a 4′ table with terrrain on.


    Tank crews are additions to a vehicle so not important, where as seeing a model (and what its eqipped with) easily is for game play…. As more of a gamer than a…[Read more]

  • true… but its more that they have a release date of ‘late april /early may’ on the kits..

  • Its sounding like there is a delay in release until June time, due to the whole Covid19 thing……be nice to have an offical comment one way or another even if its just a note on the webstore saying ‘Victory at Sea release is delayed due to Covid19 we will update with a new release date when we can’

  • Its as clear as mud!

    Do you drop the DC at any point in your movement or only at the end (ie when you would normally do your shooting)  ?

    – With the talk of highly likely Ramming, it sounds like you should only be able to drop them at the end.

    Can you do this in addition to your shooting?

    – nothing saying otherwise

    Is it a Ram (ie…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Angle of impact in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 8 months ago

    you hit the side you are in the arc of even if you cant see that side … see the rule book for concealment of vehicles where it talks about not being able to see the front of a tank but work out the shot V the front

  • Nat replied to the topic Turretless vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 8 months ago

    Casment weapons… basically they fire like fixed weapons so a 90deg arc

  • re the whole dry land or dead thing… 1 thing i’ve learned about house rules is they need to be concise and flow & also on this forum I try and make generic suggestions as I dont know your terrain :p


    I mean the river could be all imparsable to infantry or the 2″ closesest to a bank could be difficult terrain etc etc

  • More Questions –

    I know its been asked before, but not answered…. so here’s the question again.

    When shooting at ships do Shin’yo rockets suffer -3 to hit or -4? 

    ‘normal’ rockets suffer -1 when shooting at land targets & -2 when shooting as naval targets, so with the wording of shin-yo’s suffering -3 instead of the normal -1 do they suffer…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Airplane rules query in the forum Cruel Seas 4 years, 8 months ago

    To be honest, I’m going to pick up the supplement Close Quarters which has some cleanup of the rules for aircraft in it.

    Your opponent might already now about it due to the radar rules.  It says at the start of the turn… so I read that as the plane activates before any activation die are pulled from the bag.

    re flak – i read it as per…[Read more]

  • Another couple of options are….ps some shocking idesa here….

    play some of the campaign scenarios/ randimise which mission you do play

    Play lopsided battles – ie you have 1K + a king tiger, they have a normal 1K army.

    Play tank war /armoured platoons

    play larger point games where multiple units are activated under a single order die

    play…[Read more]

  • Yeah I read that as a statement of an idea not a ‘heres a scenario we’ve written’ as well…..


  • Ok, on page 91 there is what appears to be a rule… however as said in the title this is in the background of the Red Fleet.

    the sentance in question is “all hits under 6-pdr will not cause a critical hit to Bronekater turrets; the roll is simply ignored”.

    Now does this mean if (for example) a 40mm causes a critical a 5 (gun hit) counts as no…[Read more]

  • Nat replied to the topic Dug In confusion in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 9 months ago

    true…. how about something like this?

    Grenade, range 3″, shots 1 Pen 0 special: assault, thrown weapon, grenade

    thrown weapon rules – ignore cover mods, never gets the point blank bonus,

    grenade weapon rules – has +1 PEN against infantry, if hit does D2 hits


    dont want them to powerful as they are free on most models

  • Nat replied to the topic Dug In confusion in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 9 months ago

    @richard – you mean almost realistic?  just a head and weapon showing whilst firing!… although I would have balanced it with the negative of the unit gaining the FIXED rule whilst in a ‘dug in’ position

    Flamethrowers (preferably on a tank!) and /or smoke seems to be the way to deal with dug in troops

  • Nat replied to the topic Soviet LMG Squad in the forum Bolt Action 4 years, 9 months ago

    To help differenciate the two squads… otherwise there would be no point in the rifle squad entry* as if you wanted a green rifle squad you’d just take the LMG squad and not buy the LMG!

    *Aside from the free ‘conscript’ squad…..


    – I keep saying this, but this is a Hollywood game based on History not a historical simulation game

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