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  • #190341

    accuracy – yes..

    ability to act – no
    chance to run away – no
    potential casulties – again no….

    BUT as we dont have a time frame for a turn / order activation i’m ok with that because we have no idea how many shots a RoF 1 actually is!  BA is a game with a historical skin, not a simulation with a gaming skin as it were…


    So small teams is gone – theres no getting round that (like exceptional damage) WL have come out and said its gone completely, not changed or re-named, gone!

    People have done the maths on FB & Discord and turns out its a bit of a wash (no real difference) on lethality between the changes in shooting with modifiers and cover.

    The streamlined thing …..theres a lot less calculations to do (not that there was a lot or it was difficult), and a lot less 7+ to hit results.  How much time this saves or costs isnt really going to anything worth calculating in my view  -as  again it balances out… instead of having to roll half a dozen dice again to see if you hit, its now giving your opponent a few dice to roll to see if their guys go splat!  So from an interaction point of view its a plus, time saved its nil.

    this is of course just my view on the bases of the teases we’ve had… full judgement is waiting till I get the rulebook and a couple of games in.

    • This reply was modified 2 days, 4 hours ago by Nat.

    yeah it sounds like multiple pins are still around for orders and such, but the shooting is just do you have pins.


    No long range

    Basic to hit is now 4+


    Source jugganoughts podcast guys… removed the wrong bit… bad wording and reading comprehension failure :p

    cant edit the OP any more sorry guys 🙁

    • This reply was modified 2 days, 5 hours ago by Nat.

    You had the original battle of Britain 2 player rules – which are the free download ones.


    You then had a 1.5 update version in airstrike, midway then used those rules but with the ground attack stuff removed


    Starter box = all the air v air air missions plus some air v sea mission

    Airstrike= all the starter box rules plus air v ground/sea

    Wing commander= player progression campaign


    airstrike is the offical rules .. its a 1.5. … BUT if you get the midway two player set then all it will give you is the ground attack missions a few more naval ones and the cards…

    While I recommend you get it wing commander isnt a requirement at all to buy unless you want to…what it contains is :  a campaign
    unoffical / ready room house rules (can get from the FB group)
    aircraft stats (can get from FB)
    copies of the new cards released since airstrike so you dont have to buy every aircraft to get hold of them.

    So BRS (already a really cheep game) on a budget … Midway starter and an ace or two of aircraft you want to try … that’ll give you 6 wildcats, 6 Zereos and all the tokens / cards / measuring sticks to play…

    ( ps you wouldnt be the first person creates a burner email account to make a FB account to use purely for joining gaming groups for the community updates and world wide chat)


    So points… you can buy equipment like rockets and such.. OR you drop an aircraft and up the pilot skill of multiple other aircraft.  (OR you ignore the rule from airstrike about single plane type squadrons and get a couple of cheaper planes with rookie pilots in there!)

    Trait cards are found in aircraft boxes – please do buy the rulebook (airstrike) & AT LEAST THE ACE BOXES!  If you dont buy stuff from WL, then WL will no longer support the game.  You may find you need to buy a starter box because this is the only place you’ll find the base card deck (for theater, weather, etc)

    Some trait and equipment cards are found in airstrike & wing commander books, I do recommend you get both of these books (not just to support the game) but because airstrike has the updated rules and more scenario rules such as ground attacks, ship hunting etc.  Wing commander has a campaign included and all the Ready Room stats (and house rule changes).

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 1 day ago by Nat.
    • This reply was modified 1 week, 1 day ago by Nat.

    hmm historic use of marksmen- picking off officers and important people…

    probably just better range, to hit, an extra pin & +1 PEN against infantry


    well one used to be official… until a couple of months ago now called Unoffical Warlordgames Server :p

    https://  m5SJPrSF

    (take out the spaces)


    Or japanese with the type 91/93 armoured railroad car
    …. looks at the two Nations I play…. <dolt>

    re snipers… hmm in a vacuum if nothing else changes then they’ll be lacklaster.. BUT I think more stuff is changing.


    When one of the vocal questions has been why cant loaders pickup the squad weapon, I can see why it was removed…. and WL have said on FB that they are gone not reworked & re-named!

    Pistols losing assault, well tough fighter was 1 point, pistols were 1 point to gain tough fighter & a 6″ ranged shot… so again I can see why remove it.


    Unless there’s a rule about primary weapons or sole turret weapons – yes… so unless the armies of … book and/or the rulebook get-you-by list changes stuff  the Ahistorical upgrade to removing the ‘open toped’ rule and adding a HMG (neither happened) will become the standard version … & the historical viarient of replacing the LMG with an AT Rifle is no where to be seen!


    added new info
    small team & exception damage removed from game
    vehicles half MG shots
    pistols lose assault


    Hi,  Re the discord – AP is a new game (less than 6 months since release at the start of April), and WL have released a number of games that start popular then die off so the mods of the discord are waiting to see the longevity of the game.  Again here on the Forum I think theres been less than half a dozen threads.

    Now about the game:
    Yes the game is CURRENTLY Late War centric, only tanks that were in use & WL sell models for are included.  I say currently because who knows what is in the pipeline.
    The rule book has about 20 entries per the 4 core nations (Germany, US, British & USSR), it also has a blank data card (and tokens) that you can copy and print out yourself.

    The card packs can be as much of a problem as a solution as they are double sided, and outside of a couple of common tank types, one have one of each.  I’ve tried to build a list and  found that two tanks I want (from what I have) were opposite sides of the same card.

    EDIT – no rules for creating your own tanks – but you can look at whats there and tweak for other viriants of included tanks – eg theres the OT34/85 but not an OT34/76 but using the difference btween the OT & T34/85s you can create the OT34/76

    • This reply was modified 1 week, 3 days ago by Nat.
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