Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Proof reading in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 1 month ago
Scharnhorst as a cruiser is also kinda pushing it. The rulebook comes out in January with what I hope will be up to date ship lists and stats. I’ll kinda play it by ear until then.
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Why the Etna? in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 1 month ago
Yeah, the Italian fleet box is a complete WTF moment. The Aquila in particular. The other fleets also have some head-scratcher pics. But the Italians… *facepalm*
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Mogami Pre-War Guns and AD Value in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 1 month ago
I’ve seen the stats for the Leander. They get one AD per turret. But they’re Twin-Linked. So… not as bad as you’d think. The Edinburghs get 2 AD per turret, but without the Twin-linked.
Both turret sets also get fast track. So, some bennies.
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Model showcase Mk.II in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for posting that sheet. 🙂 If you do a German/UK one I would definitely be interested. I ordered the RN fleet last week.
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Model showcase Mk.II in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 1 month ago
Enioch, your terrain stuff is still looking wonderful. 🙂
Going back to your plane counters: where did you find the images you printed for them? I’m about at the point where I need to consider doing some of my own.
Thanks in advance. 🙂
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Mogami Pre-War Guns and AD Value in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 2 months ago
If it was that way in Beta, then you’re right: it is probably a fudge. I’m not sure I like the reasoning. But But it is what it is. 🙂
Thanks for the info.
Lord Snotrag started the topic Mogami Pre-War Guns and AD Value in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 2 months ago
So, another item that seemed odd to me. Was wondering if it might be a card error.
We were looking at the stats for the Pre-War Mogami weapons. Prior to the turrets being 2x 8″ guns, they were 3x 6″ guns. We looked at the stats on the back of the card for the 6-inchers. Now, while they lowered the stats of the gun appropriately [lowering the…[Read more]
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic A couple of rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 2 months ago
Okay, I must’ve read something into it. Probably what the rule will look like once they put out a full rulebook. I’m thinking the rule is just written poorly. [Which would not make it the first one in this book.] Otherwise, not only is the observation role generally useless, it completely contradicts one of its historical usages.
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic A couple of rules questions in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 2 months ago
IIRC, the “stationary target” thing is for a target without an observation plane assigned to it. If you have an observation plane assigned to a ship, you can shoot at it over the horizon. Otherwise, what’s the point? :-/
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Model showcase Mk.II in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 2 months ago
Oh, those hex cards are exceptionally cool! Well detailed and easier to travel with than standard terrain pieces. [I often have to travel to get games in. So portability is a big deal for me.]
I get the “dirty” thing with washes. Basically, I brush longer strokes on the broad areas and dab in the detail areas. While these washes are wate…[Read more]
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Model showcase Mk.II in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 2 months ago
Good stuff, Enioch. 🙂
If I may add to the showcase, these are my first VaS models, painted to run a small demo at my LGS. Hoping I can get enough interest to get others to buy in. I don’t want to have to buy all the fleets. 😀
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Newbie Questions: Aircraft Stuff, Deployment Zones, Firing Arcs in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 2 months ago
Excellent. Thank you. 🙂
Lord Snotrag replied to the topic Newbie Questions: Aircraft Stuff, Deployment Zones, Firing Arcs in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 2 months ago
Thanks, Nat. 🙂
About the firing arcs: I get where the arcs are drawn from off the shooting vessel. My concern is: what part of the target needs to be within that arc for it to be a valid target? Would that be the bridge as well? Or does any part of the vessel suffice? I would think “just the bridge of the target.” But I wanted to be sure.
Lord Snotrag's profile was updated 4 years, 2 months ago
Lord Snotrag started the topic Newbie Questions: Aircraft Stuff, Deployment Zones, Firing Arcs in the forum Victory At Sea 4 years, 2 months ago
Hi all. Just picked up the starter box and went through the rules pamphlet. Had a couple questions. Most of them are just me confirming how certain rules are played. 😛
Aircraft trait “Tough:” The rule states that it requires two hits from a single AA battery to kill the flight. I just want to confirm that, even if there are multiple AA gun…[Read more]
Lord Snotrag became a registered member 4 years, 2 months ago
Lord Snotrag changed their profile picture 4 years, 2 months ago