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  • #158937

    I agree they totally owe anyone who bought the book an extensive errata/faq. Some days I feel we’re owed an apology, it’s so bad. I got a very glib response from Warlord customer service when I contacted them about the prolific typos and quality of the book. Maybe I should visit their stand at Salute.


    I would love to come to this but unfortunately I have a prior engagement.

    I hope you have a brilliant day!


    I purchased WoE a couple of weeks ago, and I contacted Warlord customer service as I was so disappointed with proclivity of glaring errors.

    Like other people posting here, the moment you open the book and the errata sheet slips out at you, my heart sank. Further reading just provided more and more errors.

    I get the impression that no one sat down and actually read through the final manuscript. I’ve purchased other Warlord books and they are brilliant! The “Antares” rulebook is a prime example. This is so far removed from what I’ve come to expect from Warlord. It also was not a cheap book.

    The response to my email from customer services was late, and didn’t really offer any good news or possible fixes. They don’t even know if/when there will be a second print run. I feel like I’ve been sold an unfinished product under the banner of an established brand and a well respected author.

    I’m worried that the lack of attention to the “surface” of this book might be indicative of a lack of attention to the rules system. I’ve not played the game yet, but I already feel anxious.

    I will, however, give it a go. I’m currently building some fantasy armies for ANOTHER wargame system that allows for generic fantasy battles (but in squares). I shall be using those models to try out Warlords of Erewhon.

    At the moment, not feeling great about it.

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