Nigel Heather started the topic New Book Quality in the forum Bolt Action 2 months ago
I held off buying the V3 Core Rules for a while – I was pretty miffed having relatively recently collected the V2 Core Rules and ten army and campaign books and now find that they are considered to be obsolete.
But I saw a decent deal on the Core Rules so decided to get that at least. I don’t think I will be replacing my physical army and…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Achtung Panzer – Supported Tanks in the forum Bolt Action 8 months ago
Appreciate this isn’t an Achtung Panzer forum, but there doesn’t seem to be one and BA is the closest fit.
I’m a little interested in this, but I’d like to understand what data you need to play. Do you have to have the Warlord Games data and playing cards to play – wondering whether you are tied into what tanks warlord sell and provide…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic One-shot flamethrowers in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
This question has reminded me just how poor the rule books are.
Firstly, no index – this is a good argument for the PDF, not only are they are lot cheaper but you can search them. If starting over, that’s what I would do, but unfortunately I like physical books and have amassed a good collection so when it comes to buy a new one I go…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Elastic Rigging in the forum Black Seas 2 years ago
Can anyone recommend what elastic rigging would be suitable for the Black Seas ships.
There are plenty of rigging products sold for model aircraft and ships but I’m not sure what thickness I should use.
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Help assembling thr Brit army 17 pdr AT gun please in the forum Bolt Action 2 years ago
Looking at the exploded diagram here
It looks like it goes on top of the breech.
Must admit, given the price of some of these metal models I’m often disappointed by the poor fit but mostly by the poor assembly instructions.
I get the l…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Midway Starter Rules – Are they the same as Air Strike in the forum Blood Red Skies 3 years ago
My basic understanding.
First there was the Battle of Britain starter – that came with the original rule book
Then came the new book – called Air Strike
Then came the Midway starter
So since the Midway starter post-dates Air Strike, is it rule set the same as Air Strike – but with Midway branding?
Just checking if I bought Air Strike in…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Play Area Size in the forum Blood Red Skies 3 years ago
What play area size is recommended.
Looking at play mats and there are 4’x4′ and 4’x6′ – I appreciate that it depends on how big your games become, but assuming that 4’x4′ is fine for the starter set how big does the game have to grow before 4’x4′ is not enough.
Talking WWII piston engines, not Korean jets.
Nigel Heather started the topic Black Seas Play Mat in the forum Black Seas 3 years ago
I see that Warlord Games have two play mats one 4’ x 4’ and the other 6’ x 4’. They are very competitively priced which makes me wonder what they are made from.
Are they like the mouse mat material that I have seen other play mats made from?
Also which size is recommended for Black Seas, I would also be looking to use it for Blood Red Skie…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Artillery bases in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I have had this dilemma too. The advantage of a single base is that you can pose the crew accurately, add accessories and make a little diorama and of course it can all be positioned and moved as a single piece. But advantage of having the crew separate is that they can be removed one by one as the gun takes casualties – otherwise you would n…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Any on-line guides to the "bits" for the Somua S-35? in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Can you tell from the photos here
Must admit, this is a personally irritation with resin and white metal models, not just Warlord but they are a continual offender. It irks me when I am faced with a set of white metal parts with no instructions, no clear location points – especially…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic How robust are the models? in the forum Black Seas 4 years ago
Thanks, and great photo.
My concern was less about the rigging and more about the ratlines and sails provided for Black Sails. My understanding is that the ratlines are printed on acetate and that the sails are card or paper. Was wandering how well they say attached.
Nigel Heather replied to the topic How robust are the models? in the forum Black Seas 4 years ago
I guess you have to glue the ratlines with superglue as they are acetate.
Are the sails paper/card or are they a plastic laminate.
I could live without the ratlines but I’d want the sails, flags and a minimum of rigging thread.
Nigel Heather started the topic How robust are the models? in the forum Black Seas 4 years ago
I’ve looked at this game on and off ever since it was released. It appeals to me, the models look great but I wonder how robust they are for wargaming use.
I was actually at a war game show near release with the intention of buying. I visited the Warlord Games stand and they had it out but they really weren’t promoting it that well. The models…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Pet Hate #327 in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
I’d happy to accept some movement either side even if the wings are sewn on just as the tunic distorts as the arm moves. And if the wings are removeable I’d accept that they may not always be position perfectly.
But it still seems wrong that when a soldier is holding a rifle in firing position the wing rotates a full 90 degrees and end up on the…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Pet Hate #327 in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Another minor but niggling pet hate. This one is about multi-pose plastic figures. I’m talking about Napoleonics in particular but this probably applies to other eras. And this isn’t a dig at Warlord Games, I’ve seen it in all manufacturers.
So what is this pet hate – shoulder wings – or what ever you choose to call them, those frilly ornate…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic KETTENKRAD oddity in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Good question, I don’t have an answer for you I’m afraid.
Though I agree, for historical accuracy it should be 1 driver and 2 passengers.
But that also begs another question – in war gaming in general, the Kettenkrad is often depicted as a PAK 36 tow – but what about the gun crew – and ammunition.
I guess in reality, it wasn’t used that much…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Looking for French Flags for shoulder patch for Free French Army in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
What did it look like – just a standard rectangular French tricolour, a different shape tricolour or did it have a Croix de Lorraine in the white centre section?
Nigel Heather started the topic Starter Set – What do you do with the Gauls in the forum SPQR 4 years ago
Given this is a starter set aimed at introducing new players I am finding it all a bit vague.
I’m okay with the Romans because they are pretty uniform, it is the Gauls that have me puzzled.
The rules say that units must be between 5 and 20 figures, though it hives no guidance on how the Gails and Romans should be split up.
The rules also say t…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Some Assembly Advice Please in the forum SPQR 4 years ago
I bought the original starter set but then it sat on the shelf behind other projects and then I started reading that the rules weren’t very good so I never did anything with it. Recently the new rules were announced (maybe I should have waited to see if they addressed the issues but I didn’t) – I saw the redemption deals and decided it was better…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Light Howitzer against Greyhound in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Thanks for the confirmation. Just to be clear I was just referring to reality and wondering whether the rules addressed that.
In reality it would be extremely difficult to hit a moving armoured car with a howitzer even in direct fire, especially where the movement is at an angle to the gun. The low velocity of the shell, the slow traverse and t…[Read more]
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