Nigel Heather replied to the topic Light Howitzer against Greyhound in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
I don’t know the rules that well but interested to know whether the Greyhound is moving. I’m thinking of the reality (not the game) that it would be difficult hitting a moving vehicle (especially something as nimble as a Greyhound) with a howitzer particularly if the movement is perpendicular to the gun. I wonder whether that is modelled at al…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Sniper in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Can anyone help me understand the sniper rules please.
In the sniper rules it states that there is a marksman and optionally an observer in which case the team weapon special rule applies.
So does this mean if you don’t have an observer, the team weapon rule does not apply.
I ask because the team weapon rule requires a minimum of two to fire a…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Soviet Radio in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
I don’t know myself but found this which is pretty interesting
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Beginners Question About Frontages in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Been thinking some more
Standard Infantry Unit – 6 bases (240mm line frontage) – even number so can do 6×1, 3×2, 2×3 or 1×6
Standard Cavalry Unit – 5 bases (250mm line frontage) – odd number so can do 5×1 or 1×5 – but that seems okay because attack columns don’t apply to cavalry
I could even tweak the cavalry bases to be 48mm wide rather than…[Read more] -
Nigel Heather started the topic Beginners Question About Frontages in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Hi, as someone completely new to Black Powder, I have a question about frontages. I get that the actual frontage and the number of figures on the bases doesn’t matter as long as both sides use the same frontage sizes.
I’m thinking that for a standard infantry unit, the most flexible size will be six bases. That way they can be arranged as
Line…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Warlord Games a DISGRACE: Epic Battles ACW Pre-order received in the forum General Discussion 4 years ago
So my independent view.
- Looking at the retail boxes – I find it very hard to believe that they would have been packed like that at the Warlord Games warehouse – it would be a very silly thing to do especially as they have to put their personalised packing slip inside.
- But the external packaging is intact and undamaged.
So if I were to guess…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Reward Medals – what on earth are they in the forum General Discussion 4 years ago
A bit of the mystery solved. I recently bought a rule book on eBay. Seems the seller was actually warlord games (didn’t realise that) and rather cleverly they they worked out that I have a warlord games login and have matched that up with my eBay and PayPal credentials and recorded the sale on their website against my Warlord account. That…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Reward Medals – what on earth are they in the forum General Discussion 4 years ago
So I keep getting eMails about reward medals that I have earned from being such a valuable and regular customer – but I’m not, so I’m a little confused by them.
It started out saying something like “your recent purchases have earned 150 medals, you can convert 100 of these into a £5 discount”.
But I hadn’t made any recent purchases, in fact I’…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Using BP rules with 15mm or 10mm in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
A basing question.
For 28mm the rulebook recommends putting 4 infantry figures in a 2 x 2 pattern on a 40mm x 40mm base.
And then it gives the unit frontages as
Standard 200-250mm (5 to 6 bases)
Large 260-325mm (7 to 8 bases)
Small 120-150mm (3 bases)Firstly, a question for seasoned players – how many bases would you go for in each unit, is…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Napoleonic Wars – Getting Started in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
I’ve only read the first few pages but I thought the second edition of BP had dispensed with points based armies in favour of scenarios.
Nigel Heather started the topic Napoleonic Wars – Getting Started in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Can anyone offer any advice in getting started. I would be particularly interested in the Peninsular Campaign.
I have the second edition rule book and the Albion Triumphant supplement but I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by the potential number of figures – both in terms of cost and painting effort.
I’m guessing I need to start smaller and buil…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Using BP rules with 15mm or 10mm in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Just to be clear, I’m not thinking of ACW, it just peaked my interest because being roughly 15mm WG must have done some good research into how best to convert the BP rules.
On the subject of increasing artillery range, I’d heard similar about musket range too.
Nigel Heather started the topic Using BP rules with 15mm or 10mm in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Are there any good recommendations for use BP rules (Napoleonic is my particular favourite) for 15mm.
I’ve tried googling, seen plenty of discussions and opinions but nothing really solid.
One suggestion is to use centimetres instead of inches – but unlear what should be done with frontages as these are expessed in mm in the rules – do you c…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Looking for a Source of German Weapons in 28mm in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Hi Alan,
Many thanks for the extremely generous offer. I’ll PM my details across.
Nigel Heather started the topic Looking for a Source of German Weapons in 28mm in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
I’m looking for a source of German weapons, specifically early war and especially MP40.
The reason:
I’m building the Blitzkrieg infantry and when it comes to the squad leaders I want to give them MP40s. There are two options, both right handed and one of those is firing so needs the left hand to go with it.
There are only two command arms…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic A Minor Gripe in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
I’m assembling some German Early War Infantry (Blitzkrieg) and I have a minor gripe.
Personal equipment. Generally this is not moulded onto the figure but provided as separate parts to glue. I don’t have a problem with that but what is presented is a real hotch-potch.
So this soldier has a canteen, a gas mask container and a bread-bag, but t…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic SPQR 2.0 ? in the forum SPQR 4 years ago
Unclear what cards have been updated. Even if you look at the contents of the boxes in the redemption offer, some are listed as having a card and other make no mention of a card.
Nigel Heather replied to the topic SPQR 2.0 ? in the forum SPQR 4 years ago
Does anyone know whether the rules book you get through the redemption scheme is
- Full size (A4) or half size (A5)
- Hard back or soft back
Nigel Heather replied to the topic panzernest rules in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
There was a thread that I replied to with my thoughts a while ago, here :-
That might provide some suggestions for you.
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Any help with assembling Soviet Infantry avilable ? in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
The ATR rifle arms are called out – they are part number 14.
You are correct about the LMG though, from memory I used the rifle arms – but I do prefer not to use prone figures so I tend to have my LMGs being carried or being fired from the hips. But I have done some prone LMGs.
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