Nigel Heather replied to the topic Perry Miniatures vs Warlord in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
As said above, Perry go for more anatomically correct sculpts whereas Warlord go for more chunky heroic sculpts.
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Metal figures on 25mm lipped plastic bases in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Yes the putty idea is what I was referring to as filler.
I can see how that would work brilliantly for figures 60mm base with a support weapon because the rise of the putty from plastic edge to metal base is quite shallow whereas on a 25mm bases the metal base is almost as wide as the as the 25mm base so the slope of the putty would be pretty steep.
Nigel Heather started the topic Metal figures on 25mm lipped plastic bases in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Just wondering what you do to disguise the metal base of metal figures. On bigger bases a gradual slope of filler will hide the metal base but on 25mm bases the metal bases come very close to the edge of the plastic base.
Just interested what you do to hide them.
On a related subject, the metal bases on some figures are like two bases stuck on…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Starter Set – Short of a pilum arm? in the forum SPQR 5 years ago
Just started to build my starter set and wonder if my set is short of a pilum arm or whether this is a problem with all sets.
The roman sprues in my box are
Pilum figures (1 sprue)
Gladius figures (1 sprue)
Command figures (2 spues)
The command sprues are identical and have a leader, a standard bearer and a gladius figure.
So fine for the…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Why I don’t often buy from Warlord Games in the forum General Discussion 5 years ago
I would love a local hobby shop, I’d much prefer to pop in and buy stuff as I need it but there is literally nothing near me. Not sure where you are from but in the UK model shops are very few and far between, I always hunt them out whenever I visit different towns and cities but usually if I do manage to find one the stock is very limited and…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Why I don’t often buy from Warlord Games in the forum General Discussion 5 years ago
This is not a complaint, not asking anything, just some feedback about why I rarely buy from Warlord Games these days.
I really like Warlord games stuff, have a load of the books, quite a few starter sets and a fair bit of bolt action, but very little of it has been bought from Warlord Games, why is that?
1) It is cheaper elsewhere. I have…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic What’s your base of choice in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Thanks, I’d not noticed their 40mm lipped bases before, it didn’t even click when I first saw your weapon crew – I thought it was a 60mm.
Nigel Heather replied to the topic What’s your base of choice in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Yes must admit, although I like the lipped design, the two things that put me off the Warlord games bases are
1) they seem too thin for me to pick up, instead I would have to lift the figure.
2) there isn’t enough range, I think there are only three, 25mm and 60mm circle and the pill shape for prone figures.
Nigel Heather started the topic What’s your base of choice in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I reached the point where I need to start sticking figures to bases. I have two options, the plastic rimmed warlord ones or some 2mm thick MDF ones.
Torn between the two. The plastic ones seem like they might be neater but the shape and size is limited, whereas, MDF bases are available in a huge range. For example a two man prone team (such as…[Read more]
Nigel Heather started the topic Casulty Indicators in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Bases with multiple figures (ATGs, MMGs, Mortars etc.
I haven’t decided for sure yet, but I am inclined to fix the crew to base and employ some sort of marker system to show casualties. One thought is a small dice frame and a dice to show the number of surviving crew.
But I have two questions
1) I don’t know the game rules that well. Is t…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Finish STUG in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Here’s a photo showing the mounting for the coaxial MG34.
But I have read into the Finnish Stugs and I doubt any had this feature because they pre-date when it was added.
So maybe the Bolt Action book is referring to the roof mounted MG.
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Finish STUG in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
It could mean one of two things. There was the shielded MG on the cupola, it could mean that as this was a permanent feature and clearly a ground weapon, as opposed to other Herman tanks where the crew mounted the cupola as required and usually in an AA role. Also from October 44 a coaxial MG was added to both the boxy and pig-snout mantlet of t…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Laser Pointers in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Okay, clearly I am well behind the technology curve. Just seen a video of one working (the Army Painter one) and very impressed … BUT …..
None of the videos give an idea of range, the line seems to top after a short distance. Is that the case or is it just a matter of hooding it at a different angle. My query is whether it will work for ta…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Laser Pointers in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Ahh, so is that line being created by the gadget in the hand. That is very different to what I have.
Would be interested in one of those, where do you get them from.
Nigel Heather replied to the topic Laser Pointers in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I bought a laser line for this purpose. It was only cheap and primarily aimed at the DIY business but it does create a nice line along a flat table ….. BUT ……
the challenge is it tends to be too big when you try to put it to real use. You usually have to move the spotting unit to put the gadget in place and even then you might find that s…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic MG34 MMG/HMG Assembly in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
[Quote]”Oh you young peoples, old gamers like me started in pre internet time and got nothing but books. (And had to walk 15 miles through snow to school 😉 )“[/Quote]
A bit presumptuous of you, I’m 57, not often I’m called young 😉
Seriously though, time is precious, I don’t expect to have to google to see whether I have all the parts, what it…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic MG34 MMG/HMG Assembly in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Think I have worked out what they are trying to do. But getting pretty fed up of having to watch youtube videos and google pictures every time I have to assemble a Warlord Games model.
Nigel Heather started the topic MG34 MMG/HMG Assembly in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
One of my pet hates with Warlord Games (and other wargame miniature manufacturers) is the complete lack of assembly instructions and diagrams.
Getting some blisters feels like “here are some parts, guess which bits are flash and what is meant to be there and guess how it fits together.
Anyway the one that has me stumped at the moment is the…[Read more]
Nigel Heather replied to the topic German PAK 36 Gun Shield in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
That looks good – mine looks more like the one on the Warlord Games site
Did the gun shield on your model naturally fall into that position or did you have to manipulate it?
Nigel Heather started the topic German PAK 36 Gun Shield in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I know, it’s just a gaming piece, I’m being too pedantic …..
I have just attached the gun shield to the gun of my Blitzkrieg PAK 36 and as soon as it set I looked at it and thought “that shield looks far to vertical”.
So off to google to look at pictures and sure enough they all show the gun shield with much more of a backward slope.
Maybe I a…[Read more]
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