Lastly my biggest army (unbeaten as well at the moment). My Concord the crew of the Expedient.
I am most proud of these as white can be a pain to paint especially on mass. In fact originally the first two squads I painted were a sand colour an dI hated it so much I sprayed them black and restarted. 🙂
My Ghar which were a blast to paint. I intend adding more. My leaders called Dorg. I am hoping he will be in a short story, that I hope make the grade for being published in the next anthology.
Some close ups of my Algoryn my smallest Gates Army.
Hopefully the pic will show.
I think you need to make the Forum move visible on the main Warlord Games Website. Was even looking for it and it took me awhile to find where it is. It should be one of the main tabs at the top in my option or near the login button. Not hidden way at the bottom. 🙂
Attached should be my Ghar army so far.
Thank you. I have 15 battle suits so far in my army in this theme.
Greetings all.
I am Nicky P Gardiner, I play Gates of Antares mostly, having three armies, Concord being the largest, Ghar and also Algoryn. I also play many other skirmish games. I am looking to also use Warlord Games, Black Powder range to play some Muskets and Tomahawks game.
I amongst other things am a writer, having written two novels and having been published in many magazines as well as Dimensional Gates (the second gates of antares anthology) I am Essex based and we have our own group who regularly game and we are looking for more members to join us, so if in the area check us out:
Where is the best place to post up pics of our entries please? On this thread or another place?