Donald replied to the topic Unit sizes for Colonials in the forum Black Powder a year ago
Thanks. I imagine a skirmish unit would then be 6 figures.
And, in melee, if everything lines up, you should be able to get two Standard units hitting a Large unit.
I’ll run a solo game to iron things out, then invite a few of my more patient pals for a few games before “releasing it to the general public.”
Donald started the topic Unit sizes for Colonials in the forum Black Powder a year ago
I’ve been using the ‘Hail Caesar’ rules for some time. They’re very good IMO.
I decided to buy the ‘Black Powder’ rules & possibly expand the ‘family’ across more eras of our gaming.
We do the Sudan & AZW. Our basing is for individual figures on movement trays & we don’t want to radically re-organise this.
Donald started the topic A (long) video of a Bronze Age game in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
Hittites opposing those insistent Mycenaeans:
Donald replied to the topic Counting units in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
I appreciate your comment on “it’s your game” which is also stressed in the rule book.
It is useful, though, to get opinions from experienced players. I think most wargames have a “critical mass” – a size where they work best.
I suspect that although our 3 divisions a side worked well, 4 would have given a bit more nuance? Allowing more…[Read more]
Donald started the topic Counting units in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
We had our third HC game today – fourth if you count a solo game I had to learn to play.
So you can hardly call us experts. The game was with a Hittite army opposing a Mycenaean one. Bronze Age.
It went very well. We committed the heinous crime of counting skirmish & light units for purposes of break points.
This was because the opposing armies…[Read more]
Donald replied to the topic War wagons in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
I appreciate your plausible interpretation. It might be useful to remember that the Egyptian temple reliefs contain more than a little propaganda?
I don’t think the ox wagons of the Sea Peoples to be any sort of APC. It is not impossible that they could be used as a relatively * slow-moving barrier – not unlike how the Goths used their wagons at…[Read more]
Donald replied to the topic War wagons in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
Thanks for the replies. I’ll experiment with your suggestions.
We’ve been using FoG for many years & I don’t want to be harsh but those rules suck the fun out of a game.
Hail Caesar seems to be very enjoyable indeed. Down the track, I’ll start with our Punic & Late Roman armies but for the moment – all things chariot.
Donald started the topic War wagons in the forum Hail Caesar a year ago
I’ve not long purchased the rules & dived in with three Bronze Age games – and a fourth on this Sunday – using NKE & Hittite armies.
I’m currently working on my Mycenaeans & Sea Peoples. I have a couple of Sea Peoples’ ox carts. The obvious thing to do with these is to designate them as baggage but I was thinking of a more active role.Slow but…[Read more]
Donald became a registered member a year ago