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  • #166241

    Thanks tim.


    Could I get a link I did a quick search and couldn’t find it.


    Yeah I just found this Kickstarter by TTCombat that looks perfect for WoE.

    They claim Warlord games will be selling their product in August for WoE warbands. They have a hilarious model for stone thrower in form of a soup thrower of sorts.

    They also have great halfling undead models I would love to use for an undead WoE warband. This is where I got the idea for the treeman dryads as well they have models for them at a decent price.


    Yeah I have 3 units of archers in my list now, all with slings (no suitable Arty models yet) my militia have rocks to throw which on accuracy 6 is nothing to laugh at.My 3 urchin swarm have slings(going to try for 2-3 halfling models and a mix of sheepdogs goats and such on each base)and every unit that can has Spears to take advantage of my Acc 6 across the board. I was also thinking of adding some treemen dryads if I decide I need more beefy melee units as I am sorely lacking those with the halflings(urchin swarms being my best which is just funny)

    Rules question, if my urchin swarm says 3x Ranged and they have slings that’s gonna make a total of 6 dice per model when given a fire order?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Chase.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by Chase.

    Yeah that would make sense if they were true cavalry warriors(as there would be few of those in a peaceful halfling society but they are (stat wise) just mounted sheriff’s riding donkeys, goats or large chickens.

    IDK it just seems odd. I am certainly no game designer so maybe it’s some kind of balance method. Halflings are meant to be one of the slower armies or something.


    Oh yeah also random other thing I thought was weird the warlord is a chief sheriff and the hero is a clan chief? Seems like the clan chief would be the leader of a warband.

    Don’t mean to nitpick game looks like a ton of fun and can’t wait to put together a warband.

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