Fred Brannan started the topic Cheeseball victory for 'Top Secret'. in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I recently painted up some Americans to include rangers and I ended up spit-balling a possible situation. Deployment for Top Secret like many scenarios is at least 12 inches from the centerline of the table. Rangers get a 12 inch move under “Rangers lead the way” before starting turn one. Assuming the objective counter to be an inch or so in…[Read more]
Fred Brannan started the topic US paras paint colors in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I’m trying to match the color for US paras in Normandy-the ones with the light green uniform and the darker green elbow and knee patches. Everything I find is either too brown or too dark of a green. What would any of you care to recommend? Other than, you know, saying ‘screw it’ and switching over to Japs.
Fred Brannan started the topic German 37mm flak-zwilling in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Not having the appropriate campaign book I need to know if the aforementioned weapon system is available for any reinforced platoon or only in limited cases?
Fred Brannan started the topic anti-tank suicide bombers/close assault. in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
So, this came up in a game…A Japanese suicide bomber charged a transport with passengers. The army list book says the bomber moves into contact and assaults the vehicle. Passengers in a transport (one unit, owners choice) dismount to fight the close combat. However, the suicide bomber doesn’t have the ability to assault foot troops. Do you fight…[Read more]
Fred Brannan started the topic panzernest rules in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
What sort of rules are there (Warlord or home-grown) covering use of the Panzernest?
Fred Brannan started the topic partisan command vehicles in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
If partisans choose an sdkfz250/11 as their AC option do they get to use the apparently inherent ‘command vehicle’ bonus?
Fred Brannan started the topic HE recce 'escape' reaction in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
So, page 119 of the 2nd edition says that recce vehicles may wait until a hit is scored before deciding to escape/recce “…just like a unit deciding to go down when hit by HE”. But that is clearly not the case. Units declare ‘down’ or not before the firing player makes a ‘to hit’ roll. By this reading a Greyhound AC declares to recce before shot…[Read more]
Fred Brannan started the topic Loss of squad leader in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
When a squad loses its leader they suffer a minus one to their morale. Easy enough, they take a penalty to morale/orders tests. However, if a regular squad loses its leader does it now shoot as inexperienced with attendant -1 penalty to their shooting?