Tom replied to the topic ACW Glory, Hallelujah – charge rules in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Thanks Dr Dave, much appreciated – that all makes sense.
We use all the supplement rules except for Whipped, only because on practical gaming grounds we prefer to have these units leave the table and open up a bit more room for maneuver as the game progresses (acknowledging this is probably less realistic).
(Yesterday we had a cracking refight…[Read more]
Tom started the topic ACW Glory, Hallelujah – charge rules in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Dr Dave – first, thanks for the supplement, my gaming group and I have had a lot of fun with it!
Just a couple of questions re charges and the -2 modifier in particular:
1) Are troops defending buildings considered formed troops for the purpose of charges, ie does the -2 modifier apply?
2) If you are intending to charge with a unit that begins…[Read more]
Tom replied to the topic Mixed Formations – when to use? in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Thanks very much!
Tom replied to the topic Mixed Formations – when to use? in the forum Black Powder 3 years ago
Sorry to revisit this topic, but I’m still a little confused as to precisely how units in mixed order are targeted by artillery when they are within 12 inches.
– My starting assumption is that a unit in mixed order is not a ‘unit of enemy skirmishers’ as referred to on p56 of the main rule book. Rather, as per page 90, it is a separate formation…[Read more]
Tom replied to the topic Cavalry charge interactions with infantry special rules in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Thanks Big Al – much appreciated. That’s what we thought but good to get an expert view!
Tom started the topic Cavalry charge interactions with infantry special rules in the forum Black Powder 4 years ago
Hi – a couple of questions we have come across during our Napoleonic games, when cavalry is charging infantry:
- The first is around how Sweeping Advance and charge (SAAC) interacts with Must Form Square. The rules for SAAC (p73) state that infantry cannot shoot or do anything in response. Am I right in assuming the infantry cannot form square,…
Tom's profile was updated 4 years ago
Tom became a registered member 4 years ago