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  • #158594

    Stuart, I think you’re spot on there – both rockets are on the same mount so would fire at the same target one after the other in the same turn.


    Hungarian WW2 Cavalry in greatcoats (officer wearing this:


    @Richard Zamudio:
    In the Fortress Budapest book, I’d like to hear an official answer too with regards to the 44M Buzogányvető rocket launcher (mace thrower). But my interpretation based on how its rules and the main rulebook is written:

    Shoots two rockets at once, you choose if they’re both AT or HE. Next turn it fires two more. Most likely at the same target, at a stretch two targets within 45 degree angle. First rocket shot is resolved before the other fires. It’s not disposable, it’s a gun carriage used to fire new rockets when loaded.

    If not for their late war implementation, they had amazing AT penetration well above its contemporaries even in late cold war, let alone ww2.

    Special rules on the gun don’t state the ‘one shot’ rule so not disposable. The weapons rules for itself state it’s a two shot salvo, which means multiple shots fired simultaneously or shortly after. The needing to choose both rockets in the salvo to be the same type, for balance, indicates it can choose two targets in 45 degree arc or why would you need to state that if split fire wasn’t possible (genuinely confused if this is true or not). So you fire the first rocket, resolve its hit then fire the second in the same turn.

    The main rulebook on page 66 though has info on multi ‘Barreled’ or shot weapons on the same mount so this may conflict, but again based on this indicates it fires botb at the same turn.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Pancakes.
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