Mark Lewis

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  • #162866
    Mark Lewis

    They look great !

    Mark Lewis

    You seem determined to not accept the obvious intention of the rules, which everyone else seems to think is pretty clear. I suggest you play it however you want to, but don’t be surprised if no-one else agrees with your interpretation of the rules.

    Mark Lewis

    I hadn’t seen that. Where are they then ? They don’t seem to be on the resources section of this website.

    Mark Lewis

    Some ranged weapons are listed as having multiple attacks (e.g. 2 x ranged or D6 x ranged), otherwise the weapon gets just the one attack. I think the following statement makes this pretty clear: “Weapons and monsters with their own range attacks always shoot once unless specified as having multiple range attacks such as the Dwarf multi-barrelled organ gun or dragon fire.”

    Mark Lewis

    I’m surprised at how much stuff has been missed from the errata. There are loads of mistakes in the army lists and none are mentioned in the errata.

    Mark Lewis

    Yes, it’s a shame that the elf list only allows one unit of warriors with any better than light armour. It means it can’t be used to represent a warband of GW type high elves.
    Medium armour should be an allowable upgrade for all elf warriors.

    Mark Lewis

    Yes, it clearly should be an upgrade to Res 6(9), the same as a mounted Elven Lord.
    From the lack of official responses on here, I think we’re just going to have to agree on this sort of thing on here as a community, rather than hoping for an errata or anything else official.

    Mark Lewis

    We have played it that there is no minimum distance for a sprint, as none is mentioned in the rules.

    Mark Lewis

    I think it is quite a flexible system and would work well for LOTR type games.
    There are two types of spears – spears, which can be thrown in the exchange of missiles phase (as well as somehow then being used in melee), and long spears, which cancel charge bonuses. If you don’t see your elves throwing their spears, class them as long spears.
    There are lots of different troop profiles in the book, so you should be able to find one to match how you think your orcs and goblins should be represented.
    Regarding unit sizes, you could go higher than the numbers in the army lists, especially for weaker troops like goblins.
    However, all the combat is one unit vs one unit and everyone in the unit fights. So if you get too big units it could get a bit silly as you might have 20 figures in one unit all fighting against a single figure hero unit. So I would say the upper limit on unit size is based on how many could feasibly fight against a single enemy.
    For giant spiders, there are actually three types in the monster list – giant spiders (which come in units of up to three and are similar in combat power to an ogre or troll), gigantic spider (more like a giant in combat power) and spider swarms (units of 3-5 bases of smaller spiders). So there is quite a lot of flexibility in the lists and you should find an appropriate profile for what you want.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by Mark Lewis.
    Mark Lewis

    I’d be interested in this.

    Mark Lewis

    The numbers in your analysis are slightly out, in that you get -1 to hit in exchange of missiles, so you would expect to get 4 hits rather than 5.
    Also, if the opponent charges you it is probably best for them to sprint into combat so you re-roll hits in the exhange of missiles.
    But you are correct in that spears are better than swords for no extra cost, if the intention is that they can be used every combat. It doesn’t seem to make sense that they can be thrown and then used in the same combat as a melee weapon, so we really could do with an official ruling on this.

    Mark Lewis

    The retained run order is only for Fast units though.

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