Good Morning. I do not understand where one rolls a D6 for amount of damage to the target vessel. There is no statement in this roll in the rules. Please refer to page 45 of the rulebook.
The way I play this rule is it is a logical progression of the damage chart.
Request thoughts on this rule query.
Thank you for the prompt response. I re-read the movement rules last night and found my mistake in regards to the one (1) inch rule. I apologize for my error.
Good Evening. My name is Pete. My residence is New York State. I have been a historical gamer since I was in high school forty plus (40+) years ago. There has not been a set of rules I have not bought or tried. Currently, I am new to the Victory at Sea rule set. Therefore, I am unsure of the game mechanics.
Good Evening Nat. I downloaded your cheat sheet today. It is helpful in speeding up play. I definitely like how you did the gunnery chart.
However, I noticed a discrepancy in the Movement section. It reads, “Move ship at least 1″ unless ‘run aground’, flank speed of 0″ or anchored” (FAQ March 2021). Ships must move 2″ unless they have the ‘agile’ trait (as per the main rules).
Also, you write about issuing orders in the initiative phase. I read the rules as stating this intention before one moves their ship. Am I correct?
Therefore as stated in my first query, torpedoes are useless in the game.
I have the full rules. They are not explained there either.
Thank you for your response Nat. this still does not answer my previous query about modifiers.
Thank you for this clarification. This needs to be written into the rules so players understand the usage.