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  • #186292

    Sorry for the late follow up, in pg 103 CoE; point 6 it states regimental artillery can move a maximum of two turns as well as the battalion it is with.

    So if a Regimental Section is attached to a Battalion does that mean it can move two turns and fire?

    Also a Regimental Battery follows the rules of a normal Foot Battery except its range is 24″

    I’m keen to build a 1812 French Army based on 1st Corp / 1st Division @ Borodino, each Brigade (which was a regiment of 5 battalions had 4 light guns) which I assume is a Regimental Artillery Section (1 model) attached to 1 battalion.

    Thanks in advance for any clarification.



    Thanks Nat, our group had a game last night and it was confirmed that Div commander was re-rolls only. I played Bde commander for French infantry @rating 7 and cavalry @ 8, it worked fine only making a difference on one roll all night. The group was amazed as they are used to taking rated 8 generals all the time. Thanks again.


    Thanks for the replies, I’ve only started playing using other figures while I get an army sorted and painted. I’m using BP2 rules and I have the CoE book. I’m mainly interested in pickup game that we play in 3-4 hours with 2-3 per side so a points system is very useful. We have been playing that Bde Generals roll on their command rating but also a Div General can issue orders using their rating (with a re-roll available), is this wrong? We use the Div general last as once an order has failed all issuing of orders stop for that turn.



    The group I’ve started playing which uses the Pas de Charge rule, I have seen a Youtube where Rick Priestly explains the current books are compatible with BP2, is there a FAQ that explains rules that have been made redundant by BP2?

    For me the errors in the books and the misalignment of the rules and the supplements is the main pain point in this game.


    Thanks for the speedy reply Nat, much appreciated.


    Thanks Nat, I was more into earlier period, not a fan the the covered shakos and great coats. I’ll order a army starter peninsular and see what come. I wish I could afford a whole 28mm metal army like my 25mm I collected 30 years ago 🙂


    Hi all, I’m a lapsed miniatures gamer from Sydney, Australia. Thirty three years ago I start with a 25mm minfigs French Napoleonic army using WRG Horse and Musket rules. There was a small group of players around. A little later I play WH Fantasy and WH 40K 1st Eds, more recently I’ve collected X-Wing miniatures while playing only a few games. I walk into a hobby store last week and saw a pair playing Black Powder 2nd Ed and was straight away I was hooked on 28mm. I have ordered the Black Powder rules and will soon order a brigade of French to start, looking for other BP Napoleonic players from Sydney.


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