Witch Racer started the topic German horse drawn artillery officer. in the forum Bolt Action 2 months ago
Am I right in saying that if my artillery is being towed by a horse drawn limber (page 91) I can have the officer mounted horse back.
Witch Racer started the topic Armies of Germany SDKFZ 250/4 in the forum Bolt Action 2 months ago
I have noticed in the SDKFZ 3 entry Option it states, May replace the pintle MMG covering the front arc with 2 pintle mounted MMGs covering the front arc for +10pts (representing the 250/4 prototype). Should this have been in the SDKFZ 250 entry?
Witch Racer started the topic Missing troops in V3 in the forum Bolt Action 5 months ago
I am very surprised that the following troops are not mentioned in V3 . I know that they were added in some of the later Campaign books but surely this was the time to make them readily available to all.
1 Rifle grenade’s. Come one War Lords you had a US infantry man with a rifle grenade with the pre order. How am I supposed to use him? If I…[Read more]
Witch Racer started the topic Acthung Panzer in the forum General Discussion a year ago
I’m posting this here as there is no Acthung Panzer section yet.
My question is firing hits Turret, Hull or Running gear! But air strikes and artillery are against Engine deck. So my air strike hits and does damage but does not destroy where do I place damage marker, Turret, Hull or Running gear! If so how do I roll to see where hit? We played r…[Read more]
Witch Racer replied to the topic German horse drawn limbers in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Christmas I got a horse drawn limber with 6 horses. This will give me a regular le.IG.18 (75mm infantry howitzer) + tow for 60pts plus two dice in the dice bag. I’m attaching pictures. Next I’ll try to do a mule team.
Witch Racer replied to the topic German horse drawn limbers in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Thanks the link is really useful. Ill have a look at one one my next show and if it looks ok pick it up.
Witch Racer started the topic German horse drawn limbers in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
I’m trying to get a German horse drawn limber but the only one I have found is a WWI from Empress miniatures. Both use the MKI horse (the MKII has rockers and was not used by the military) but I don’t know how different the limbers would be. I have plenty of seated infantry to replace the WWI figures. Anyone have any suggestions.
Witch Racer started the topic First Special Service Force in the forum Bolt Action 3 years ago
Having read that warlords have announced the new campaign book for Italy. I see that we will now be able to play the First Special Service Force with there Johnson LMG. I hope that they will be also releasing some First Special Service force figures with a Johnson as I have no idea how to scratch build on and on one makes amodle of it.
Witch Racer replied to the topic German Army Propagandakompanie Cameraman in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Many thanks i look forwards to getting one for may German army.
Witch Racer started the topic German Army Propagandakompanie Cameraman in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
What are the rules for the Propagandakompanie Cameraman I have seen the stats once but can not find them now.
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Witch Racer replied to the topic SDKFZ 10 in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Thanks I think I will try using a steel hawser from my spares box on one and leave it off the second one I may even try to fit the covered windscreen from a Horch field car. I bet barbed wire made hitching up a gun at night interesting at night.
Witch Racer started the topic SDKFZ 10 in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
After painting and assembling my sdkfz 10 can anyone tell me about the hoop at the rear of the vehicle. Apart from carrying barbed wire dose it have ant over use.
Witch Racer started the topic !st Special Service Force in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
With Warlord Games releasing the 92nd infantry and Nisei would it not be great if the also released the 1st special service force. they all fought in the Italian campaign. You could use the ranger rules and give them a M1941 Johnson Light Machine Gun instead of a BAR. It would spice up the Italian campaign.
Witch Racer replied to the topic Scenery – Getting Started – UK in the forum Bolt Action 4 years ago
Just a suggestion for roads. I use Wills OO scenic series materials pack SSMP210 Crazy paving. I sand the back to remove moulding makes and paint black and on the patterned side paint a stone colour and apply some washes. That gives me the option of a stone or tarmac road. Each pack has 4, 76mm x 134mm sheets. They take up very little spac…[Read more]
Witch Racer started the topic German horsedrawn field wagon in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
Has any one used a horse drawn field wagon.
If so I have two questions.
1 How many points do they cost as I can not find the cost in the book only the cost for a horse drawn limber.
2 How much can they carry. As I’m hoping to use it to carry a mortar/MMG team.