James masonry

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  • #159200
    James masonry

    A friend of mine recently contacted Warlord about rules for paratroopers and papuans. He was told that paratroopers did not have to obey the Geronimo rules but rather, they can drop anywhere on the board with an advance. With the papuans, which may start the game hidden, he was told that anyone firing at them would have a -5 to hit while hidden in hard cover and that they could remain hidden even if they fired. This led to unbalanced games. Should we follow the rules as stated in the book or do the rules that Warlord sent to my friend apply?

    We have also been debating several other rules. When firing artillery or mortars, can a shot be aimed at a point near a unit to avoid the units cover? Also, during a banzai charge, can units run through buildings and terrain without reducing their distance moved? Also, after close combat, if the winner is within 6 inches of another enemy can they make a second assault on them in the same turn? Also does a single hit from a sniper destroy a mortar or mmg team? And lastly, doJ apanese knee mortars hit on a 3+ or a 6+ on the first shot at a target like other mortars?

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