

  • Thanks. Thats a lot of stacked defense then 🙂

  • Hello,

    we tried to play a scenario yesterday that had dug in units. I found the Errata that expands the modifier for dug in to -2 without and -4 with down but I am not sure if for example dug in along the edge of woods would provide additional -1 (or in the sense of an improved position dug in in buildings an additional -2 for hard cover). It…[Read more]

  • RyanR replied to the topic Armylist building in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 4 months ago


    With the Theatre Selector Market Garden is clearly limited. My question would in that case rather apply to e.g. Monte Cassino which seems to allow lets say having 4 sections of regular infantry and 1 Ghurka. I just noticed that the question is less obvious with the British forces than with the Germans which usually have 3-4 possible squad…[Read more]

  • RyanR started the topic Armylist building in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 4 months ago


    I have a question that is probably stupid, but I have never been able to find a definite answer to it, neither googling nor searching this forum or the rulebooks.

    When I build  a platoon, do all the squads in the platoon have to be the same type or can I for example build a british army platoon and include one squad of paras?



  • RyanR became a registered member 3 years, 4 months ago