Samuel V. Wilson, Jr. started the topic Submarine operations in Cruel Seas in the forum Cruel Seas 4 years ago
I am new to Cruel Seas, having left my starter set to gather dust on my closet shelf for a couple of years. Now, based on a short docudrama on Youtube about MTB warfare, I have caught the i bug about the small boat warfare that went on across and along the English Channel/North Sea. I see a lot of history to be explored as one gets into the…[Read more]
Samuel V. Wilson, Jr. replied to the topic Community Introductions in the forum General Discussion 5 years ago
Hello, Mike:
I read your introduction with interest (all the way across the Atlantic!). I, like you, have a military background (retired Army officer; combat veteran; battalion command). I also like certain historical periods, perhaps: ancients; Arthurian period; Napoleonic; AWI; ACW; and 20th century. However, I also am drawn to a series of…[Read more]
Samuel V. Wilson, Jr. replied to the topic Community Introductions in the forum General Discussion 5 years ago
Herr Krauter,
I read your post with interest. I began my relationship with Warlord Games 5-6 years ago through the BTGOA portal. I had freshly joined a club and one of the old hands (a now retired foot surgeon) game-mastered a pretty straight forward engagement between Algoryn and Boromites. It helped that he was a very good painter, as well.…[Read more]
Samuel V. Wilson, Jr. replied to the topic Rules Question – units of light mortars V single target & PINs in the forum Bolt Action 5 years ago
I take a different point of view. What you have here is an attempt at a” mini-barrage.” A barrage is a deliberate, multiple artillery/mortar round strike. It is orchestrated to optimize/concentrate damage at a particular point, unit, or time in the battle. For a barrage to go into effect, the target needs to be under fire observation when it…[Read more]