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  • #152466

    Glad to help, can get confusing when starting a new game, hopefully you will enjoy the game. You can go on you tube and watch some Bolt Action Games


    There are no official rules to deploy the Ambushing Unit hidden, when your Order Dice is pulled that is when you decide to place a unit in Ambush. What you are trying to do is have a unit covering an area, the other player has to decide if he will move into that area or find another way to go. So even though your dice says Ambush all you are reall doing is covering an area I case a unit moves there, then you would get to shoot first, it would be like an Arc of Fire. So unless the people you play with have some house rules, the Ambush rules in the book is how it is played.


    No you would have to do it one unit at a time,the Snap To Action is resolve each order in turn before going on to the next order, in any sequence you like. Page 83 of the rule book


    I think the only thing you can do is advance then fire, the only option would be a house rule where you could fire at 1/2 rate the move back something different


    If you go onto Bolt Action Easy Army, it has the 75mm in the Market Garden builder and it has the Gun Shield. You can get the Free FOO, and take a Brit Special Rule


    I don’t know if you use the Bolt Action Army Builder, but I checked the Army Builder and you can get the M1919 MG, I always use the Army Builder, hopefully this helps


    Hi Nathan, just adding my thoughts on the Battle for Ortona, would be to come up with a Scenario, using mission 10 Hold Untill Relieved with the Germans having to hold Ortona and the Canadians having to push them out, for Dieppe it could be Demolition Canadians have to destroy a Radar Site and get back to the beach. Also for a 3rd Battle you could look at the battle for the Falaise Gap, with the Canadians fighting at St. Lambert sur Dives. The Canadian Troops were the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and the 29th Armoured Reconnaisy (South Alberta) Regiment Maj. Currie also won a VC there.


    Hi Nathan, I have read your outline on the Canadians th1. In the Ortona Battle for mouse holing why not use the British Special Rule of Blood Curdling Charge would allow the Canadians to charge and the Enemy can’t react, for Dieppe see if any of the special rules could be applied for the Canadians landing there or come up with a special rule that could be used in the landing. I have been looking at both these battles, Dieppe you could look at making a Scenario for Green Beach where the South Saskatchewan and the Queens Own Cameron Highlanders landed and almost made it to there Obj. Lt Col. Cecil Merritt won a V.C.


    On page 45 of the rule book there is a statement under Terrain rate the various terrain features on the board. You could rate the top of the hill as hard cover -2, light cover -1, open terrain no cover 3 to hit. So deciding what type of terrain is on the board helps in the planning process when you want to move your Troops, also going down is a good idea if your opponent is going to fire at you when you are in the open. Also for a house rule you could break up your Section into Fire Teams, LMG Team to lay down suppressing fire while the rest of the Section moves just add an extra dice when you split the Section and remove the dice when they rejoin. Something to think about


    Canadian Land Assault Forces Section what does it do not sure but maybe change it to the 1st Special Service Force.
    What are the Pacific Coast Militia Rangers?
    Canadian Paras, designated as 1 Can Para, part of the British 6th Airborne Division so they can be taken from any British Airborne book.
    If you ever get the chance check out the movie the Devils Brigade and a good book to read is by Farley Mowat, And No Birds Sang. He was an Officer in the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment, this was a Militia Unit that fought in Italy.


    Campaign Market Garden Book, Scenario 7- Setting up the Eureka and ID Panels there is no info on when you can start to do them and no info on where they should be placed. We played that you cold not start till turn 2 to begin and had to roll your morale to start, to complete the task we rolled a dice odds complete even not complete. The Eureka we played that it had to be set up 12in. from the woods and the panels had to be roughly in the centre of the field spread out. So if anyone can clarify on how to better work this scenario send info. The Germans won because I did not get the Eureka set up only 1 panel the other 2 were captured by the Germans.

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