Boyd Bearden

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  • #140164
    Boyd Bearden

    Good looking Tigers. Mine is still in the box waiting to be built. So many other undone units before him. Keep up the good work gentlemen.

    Boyd Bearden

    Good looking troop. Nice weathering.

    Boyd Bearden

    Good looking 41st AD. Nice paint work as well. Hopefully my new US Infantry. will be here by Tuesday. Vacation this week. Keep up the good work.

    Boyd Bearden

    Columbia, South Carolina.

    Boyd Bearden

    Hello. My name is Boyd. Retired US Army MP. I love to build models and dioramas. I have recently gotten into Bolt Action in the last few years. My first purchase was the Band of Brothers starter. Since then my collection has grown. I work in anything from 1/72 – 1/6 scale. A marine buddy and myself started a non for profit group, where we bring Military history to Elementary and Middle schools in my state. We call it, History in Miniatures. The kids and teachers love it. So many children don’t know about Pearl Harbor and such, in public schools anymore. Bolt Action made it easier to display and add more content in 28mm. We were using 1/6th and 1/35 scale.

    Boyd Bearden

    I ordered my BA US Infantry version 2 on Friday. A most welcome addition. Hopefully will have time to assemble, base and paint them while on vacation this week.

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