Michał Krzemiński

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  • #177234
    Michał Krzemiński

    Thanks 🙂

    Michał Krzemiński

    Well, I play Russian so I’m on the receiving end 😉 Thanks.

    Michał Krzemiński

    I’ll add another question here.

    Wirbelwind scores 8 HE hits on a 12 men squad. What is the maximum amount of wounds this squad can get if all the men were covered by at least 1 template?

    After reading the P.70 entry I assume that this is 12 but I just want to be sure as the entry for the vehicle says that it has 4 light auto-cannons (e.g. 4 weapons) but since they are mounted in one place I assume that all hits done by this thing count as a single weapon and not 4 separate ones (as in the answer regarding pins above).

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