

  • Shrokins replied to the topic Why the Etna? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 8 months ago

    Hi Nat, as it’s a matter of taste whether or not non-historical vessels improve the game, some people would like the game more without them, and some would like the game more with them. For the first group, there’s bound to be some disappointment when half the big ships in a starter set are non-historical. If Warlord sold the ‘what if?’ ships…[Read more]

  • Shrokins replied to the topic Why the Etna? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 8 months ago

    I’d have saved the speculative ships for Konflict 47 at Sea. The Etna would have a lava canon, and the Aquila could slash ships with its close-range robotalons.

  • Ahoy there, Victory at Sea is great, so I’d like to see it ship-shape. Here are a few proof-reading errors I noticed and hope could eventually be fixed in a reprint. Other players have surely noticed them before me, but I thought it might be good to keep a running list in one place. Feel free to add any to the thread that I have m…[Read more]

  • Shrokins replied to the topic Why the Etna? in the forum Victory At Sea 3 years, 8 months ago

    I’m glad they have Italy in the game, but I wish they’d stuck to historical vessels. If they traded the Aquila and Etna for the Bolzano and Giuseppe Garibaldi, I’d buy the Regia Marina Fleet set for sure.

  • Shrokins became a registered member 3 years, 8 months ago