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  • #155656

    Ronald Delval, you are thinking about the right unit.


    Thank you for the report and the looks on your awesome table.
    I like especially the picture with the blowing bridge!


    Hello Kent,

    I like your approach, here my thoughts about:

    1. 1″ is not enough to really deploy in line, in BP units are allowed to interpenetrate each other. So it is nearly always possible to deploy in line (if not side by side, than one behind the other). Next point is, most tables are smaller than the magnificent tables of the Perry twins, and all the tables I know are quite crowded.

    2. I like it.

    3. I don’t like exceptions, change of formation is a movement (soldiers have to move quite far to get in line), so else you allow 2 movements and fire, or stick with one movement and change formation next turn.

    4. Maybe I don’t understand it fully, but isn’t it already so if a large frontage unit charges two small frontage ones?


    Hello Pete,
    the supplements are fully compatible, just some minor issues like point costs for commanders, but nothing really deterring from using/buying them.


    Me too… a certain Mr. Wellesley said once Napoleon’s hat was 40.000 men worth… should we soon expect from Warlord a miniature from Boney in 28mm with a hat 6 foot square?


    I checked, and people are not all the same height.

    Jack is a big fella!

    …about 8 foot and 3 inches…

    I measured it yesterday: it is 33mm at the eyes… russian pavlosk grenadiers (also from Warlord) reach him to the armpit… (measured without grenadier hat, with hat they reach him to the chin).


    Thank you Richard!
    It is really fine to see this forum moderated.
    the modified text is a big improvement and I would not have bothered to write here, should it have been there from beginning.

    Said that, of course I know you are selling miniatures (I know the business, as I worked for another miniatures-selling-company of Nottingham), but that is no reason to bend history.

    It is as much in your interest to sell a Blitzkrieg german army AND a late war SS german army, isn’t it? If not, why bother to make both? You offer both and many more (for example: peninsular and Waterloo) So why not make a plastic box for republican french? I would gladly buy a few.

    Please excuse my bad english and best regards


    well said Colin! I totally agree and support your statement!


    I also contacted the customer service, they checked my order time and found a solution for me!

    Thumbs up!


    I received my copy also last friday, but it was not signed.
    My preorder was also made within 5 minutes from start – so I’m a bit surprised for not getting one.


    That would be nice indeed!


    As far as I know, the starter sets will be changed as well, but it will take a little bit of time.

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