Master Chief


  • Master Chief replied to the topic Chaplains in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    The wording is definitely not clear, but it should be based on the experience of the chaplain. It is similar to the wording for the intelligence officer, but for the latter it was stated in the descriptive on page 25:

    The ability of the Intelligence Officer is, for the purposes of Bolt Action, tied to their experience: the modifier for their…

    [Read more]

  • Latest FAQ:

    The weapons chart shows that flamethrowers have D6 or D6+1 shots. Is that correct? Or should that be a 1 instead?

    Yes, it should be a 1 in both cases. The issue is that the weapons chart tries to be helpful by stating ‘D6’ for the number of shots. D6 (or D6+1) is the number of hits caused by a hit, not the number of shots. You rol…[Read more]

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Q about FAQ in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    A look at the 2nd edition Armies of Germany book (see attached) lists several types as an artillery unit.

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Q about FAQ in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    It is really glaring as the entries are exactly side by side.

    This was also the case with the previous FAQ which contained 2 contradicting answers on targeting empty buildings with a multiple launcher. That was only rectified in this latest one. Maybe this (the no artillery issue) will be rectified in the next version.

  • Master Chief replied to the topic Charged unit in the forum Bolt Action 3 years, 8 months ago

    It should have no orders taken if it survives. I guess usually the target will react by shooting to try and at least reduce the number of models in (if not kill) the charging unit, so that it (the target) stands a higher chance of surviving. But if you believe your unit being targeted will survive, you need not react and can keep its Order for a…[Read more]

  • Haha please no more campaign books 😆 I am still waiting for PDFs of the Mariana and Canadian Sector books …

  • Haha perhaps Warlord learnt their lesson from that “outing” … a list for an army that surrendered after 6 hours isn’t going to be used much 😆

  • An army that collapsed in just eleven days in April 1941 …

    I suspect that was the main reason why focus was placed on the Yugoslavian partisan resistance forces which started fighting back from June 1941 onwards starting in Croatia (according to Wikipedia).

  • Based on my limited knowledge of WW2 if you are talking about the National Liberation Army and Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia, it should be included under the Partisans army list in the Army of France and the Allies book.

  • Thanks for the discussion that took place 6 years ago 😂 It would have been good if the latest FAQ had included thar discussion in its errata:

    A unit hit by a flamethrower must check its morale once firing has been worked out and pin markers allocated, as described above. Note that a morale check is required regardless of the number of casualties…[Read more]

  • Printed in the latest FAQ:

    If a Partisan army takes a German vehicle with a medium machine gun, will that MMG have 5 shots or 6?
    The vehicles from the Italian and German lists used by the partisans do not bring with them the German/Italian army special rules, but rather use the Partisans army special rules.

    Since “command vehicle” is not a…[Read more]

  • This was printed in the latest FAQ:

    Page 119, Escape Reaction. The second paragraph will be changed to read as follows:

    The enemy’s shot is then resolved as normal. If the target has moved out of range or sight then the unit shoots and automatically misses. Note that if firing at a recce vehicle with HE, decide to escape or not right before t…[Read more]

  • Yes I can see that reading, but it can also be read the other way … a flamethrower hit always requires a morale check (even if there were no casualties), and if the attack causes the target to take 50% or more casualties, the target takes another morale check.

  • There is a slight modification in the FAQs:

    Page 67, Flamethrower special rule, last paragraph on page. The first sentence should be changed to read as follows:

    A unit hit by a flamethrower must check its morale once firing has been worked out and pin markers allocated, as described above.

  • Yes you roll D6 to determine the number of hits. In your example you get 4 hits, so roll 4D6 with Pen +3, and each 8+ scores 1 damage. For each damage roll on the vehicle damage table to determine its effect.

  • Yes I think that is correct.

  • Battle of the Bulge page 25:

    Aside from the exceptions detailed below, the Intelligence Officer is not a separate unit choice but an optional upgrade for an officer unit. Whereas the standard officer unit is allowed to be accompanied by up to 2 further men, the Intelligence Officer counts as a separate upgrade; in effect, a fourth man.

    Based on…[Read more]

  • Unless you were targeting the building …

    If I recall correctly you can only target a building if it is empty. If there is an enemy unit inside you need to fire at that unit.

  • Check out the Mariana book where the new Marines Assault squad can be upgraded with a flamethrower. The new Peleliu marine squads can have 2 flamethrowers, but they can only be used in Peleliu specific scenarios.

  • Printed in the latest FAQ:

    Page 27: I&R Platoon HQ. Insert new Special Rule:
    Note – Whilst this entry is listed as a ‘Platoon HQ’ it is acting in the intelligence and reconnaissance role and so is still subject to the note on page 26; i.e. this is an intelligence officer, not an infantry officer and therefore does not confer morale bonuses or gi…[Read more]

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